Harvesting Minegishi (and 3 other topic about Cindy vs Mayuyu, Golfer Suzuran and Mittsu)

  May 31, 2012
After having tried to stop herself from harvesting Minegishi which has grown big enough again and again, KK finally harvest Minegishi to eat(?)!!

Kana Kobayashi on G+

Because it received a lot of love from everyone , my Minegishi has grown like this big! ! Indeed , love is the number one source of nourishment!!

Fans comments to her include the following,
“Spare a little from the white part, and put it into soil! You can grow Minegishi again!!”
“Because I only saw blue part above the surface of the soil, I didn’t know Minegishi has become such a long under the soil… “

Warota members announced the release of their new single on their G+ yesterday.

Mayu Watanabe on G+

Today, Warota releases the new single “Shonen yo Uso o tsuke!”. Yatta~~~!!
This is a theme song for movie Shin-chan!!
Everyone!! Thank for your support☆
I will GanbariMayuyu the event at Zepp Tokyo!!”
Kazumi Urano on G+
“Release date! (^^)
I am being a little nervous for the event!!”
Then Mayuyu copy-pasted Cindy’s comment!
Mayu Watanabe
“Release date! (^^)
I am being a little nervous for the event!!”

Mayuyu “Zandy!!”
Cindy “Gorua!!!”
Mayuyu “Your photo on single’s jacket…!!! lol”
Cindy “I will take a center position from you~~~~!!!”
Cindy “Let’s aim at no.1 (in Oricon chart)!!!”

Mayuyu “Gorua!!”
Cindy “Gorua!!”

Rina Hirata “(⌒▽⌒)You are so cute\(//∇//)\ ”

Suzuran Yamauchi on G+

“Good evening!!
Today, I was given an opportunity to join “GDO Amateur Golf tournament”!!
Today’s tournament was held to select golfers who will join Kantoh region tournament!!
If I can pass today’s preliminary match, and Kantoh region tournament, then I can join the national tournament!!
In this important preliminary match… I…. Suzuran Yamauchi…. guess what??? yeah! I passed it!!!

I couldn’t leave a good result in the first half, but in the second half, I could get back!!
I’m so happy that I could finish this match with a good result!!
I will be striving to keep efforts, so….
Please support my challenge\(^^)/”


Haruka Shimada on G+

“Today’s target/victim is…. this girl!!
Who should I target on tomorrow….?”

Serina Kumazawa “God evening! Mitsumune-san…. is so cool!!”
Shihori Suzuki “Kaoru is too handsome!!! lol”
Shihori Suzuki “When you share your sleeping face, Haruu???”