Takamina “No non non non. She is striving so hard lately”
Takamina “AkiP always says “enjoy!”, the election is a festival! But… haha”
Tamori: “Is it real that your hair burned during golden week holiday??”
Takamina explain how she couldn’t have noticed paper bag burning under her shoulder.
Takamina: “I replied “No, I’m alright” when asked “Do you have any burn?” from the shop staff. Then she said “Your hair… Chirichiri…. ” lol”
MaeAtsu “She never changes her opinion. She is very stubborn.”
Takamina “She often says “What the heck about you hair style/fashion?” But I never give in to her opinion…. And I correct mine like two years later lol”
Takamina “(after talked about her catchphrase which says she looks a little like Yankee) Do you think I look like Yankee? Some people think I look strong-willed. But I actually has a heart made out of glass♡ And… my room is actually all white♡ I like girly things very much..”
Takamia “E!! Ee!! Wait wait!! “
Tamori “But… do you look at them?”
Takamiana “Yeah (she talks about how she doesn’t take a bath with other members)”
Tamori “But you look at them changing clothes?”
Takamina “Because (though I don’t want them to look at me) I want to see what kind of underwear they put on…”
Kojiharu “She talks too long when we are making a pre-stage circle because she gets too excited. Because we’ve already made finger chain, I tend to get tired waiting her to finish the speech…”
Takamina “Shinoda-san and Kojima-san are a little harsh on me lol”
Takamina “(Skip) I talk for about… 10 minutes… to over 200 members making a circle…”
Takamina “I feel their fingers are getting stiff.”
Tamori “You should make it short!!”
Rena Matsui on G+
“Takamina sa~~~n!”
Nyan on twitter
From AKB専用笑っていいとも