Today (27th) was the final day of the Musical Roman Holiday which Sayaka had starred (and yesterday, her former teammate Yuka Masuda (now team B) and Yuka’s teammate Kana Kobayashi paid a visit to Sayaka’s stage).
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From KK’s blog |
Sayaka on twitter“Yone-chan came to our show *•̀.̫•́* I’ll go to watch her musical too!! We’re both striving for our goal”Sayaka Nakaya “OYoneΘωΘ*” <- Nakayan has changed her profile photo!!
Minami Minegishi “I don’t know why, but this made me feelin’ good.”
Mayumi Uchida “Rumiiiiiiiiii\(^o^)/”
Rumi Yonezawa on twitter
“I went to watch the Musical Roman Holiday which Sayaka is starringo(^▽^)oI was so glad that I couldtalk to her after a long time~♡♪
She was different from her I know! She was not Sayaka but Princess Ann!! “
Willingly take on the role to share the photo taken with former teammate who are fired AKB48 due to Scandal leaked from Yone’s private twitter and mixi accounts, I think this took a lot of nerve for Sayaka. But this is how this girl, captain of team K, Sayaka is.
But…. this may be a bit hard for former Yone Ota (not a light fan but Ota)….. as they’ve been trying forgetting her and healing their wound…. I hope this haven’t reopened old wounds of them….
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