From Tomosatsu Cameraman Yui Yokoyama
Minami Takahashi“She makes me convinced that it was the right choice to join AKB48”Suzuran Yamauchi“We joined AKB48 in the same audition, and we have the same birthday.We have a lot in common.”Yuko and Miichan“Fighting? Wrestling? No…. it’s LOVE.”Yuko Oshima“I was complimented from Yuko-san that I have grown in the last 12 months.”Tomomi Itano“I admire her dancing style. She looks natural when she dances.”Rino Sashihara“Certainly, I drew out her full potential in this photo lol”Mariya Nagao“She is the only member who I frolic with.She is like the deer in Nara park lol”Yuki Kashiwagi“99% idol, 1% Black”“She and I have a similar kind of Blackness.Though it’s not widely known, we are actually good friends.Last week, we went shopping in Shinjuku.Needless to say, “Fashion” is what we have in common lol”
The rumor that Ranran and Yuihan have been on bad terms is blown away!! Her commentary for Yukirin, you may have wrongly read “99% Black, 1% Idol”, and I don’t think anybody can blame you…
I made these posters during my free time at work!It would be great if you could use these for her election campaign to boost up her final sprint.
“Good job~~~!!!Guys let’s run the extra mile for Takamina!!”“The 4th one looks so cool!!!”
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