What Ota are thinking about the result of AKB48 4th General Election
I know you guys have plenty of things to say.
FujiTV is shit.
(Fuji’s election live coverage ended in the middle of Yuko’s speech.)
Mariko and Takamina’s speech had something touches my heart.
The number of votes for top ranking positions decreased….
Those who couldn’t rank in top64 were so miserable…
I was expecting huge surprises…. It was a bit boring… (´・ω・`)
I think this election saw a lot of petit oil billionaires
(an oil billionaire: those who vote hundreds of votes for their Oshi-men)
SKE fans voted in really clever way. (because it’s as if they already knew how many votes they need to make members rank in certain positions and teamed up to achieve that votes.)
Akicha looked so scary after she sat on the chair…
Akichan was crying, as her shoulders were trembling….
Kojiharu forgot her character and began shedding tears seriously…
Actually GUGUTASU had decent influence on the election results.
Tano-chan, congrats(・∀・)
Umechan made it into Senbatsu which has become highly competitive!
This was a satisfying election for Ume-Oshi.
I was thinking that he would say “team K” after he said “team S”, but he said “Rena Matsui“….
I was like “Eeeeeee???”
Me, too. What I was surprised the most today was the reverse of W-Matsui.
It was disappointing that Rena ended up with 10th, but as a team, a lot of SKE members ranked in, and I’m happy with that.
The rest were more or less expected.
MVP is Mariko-sama.
Her word ignited fighting spirits of members!
I had a feeling that Mayu Watanabe will be a center in the near future.
It was nice that overall mood was more cheerful than last year.
What left me strong impressions:
-Kojiharu was crying, which is very usual for her, who is always chilly.
-Both Sayanee and Milky ranked in top 20
It was not Mittsu but Tomu!!
Afterall…. AKB is Acchan, and Acchan is AKB….
It was absolutely a right choice to have increased winner’s slot from 40 to 64.
Mostly because of this, the mood of the election got exciting.
Management was really clever.
What will they do for next year?
Mass graduation?
It’s more than 40th in the last election.
Top members had similar of less votes compared to last year, but still ranked in similar positions,
while most of low ranking members increased their votes, but ranked down severely.
It was a tough election for members who has ranked low in the previous elections.
Sae’s family will be joked around tomorrow at office.
Without Atsuko vs Yuko, the election lacks climax.
Mayuyu and Yukirin may not be able to increase their votes anymore, and the only member who can receive as many votes as Yuko is Acchan….
Wrap-up of the surprises in this election
・Mayuyu won 2nd place over Yukirin
・Mass SKE members in undergirls
・Tano-chan made a surprise as she ranked in from nowhere
・Mitsumune: out of ranking
・Lovetan severely ranked down
・Takajo severely ranked down
・Sakura Miyawaki won a seat as a only member from HKT
・Mousa’s (a name of agency) Nakayan and Chisato won their seats!
・Jurina beat Rena with a small lead.
・Shadow announcer was Souichiro Tahara.
・Tomu is a center of futuregirls, which means she will be a center in the future? lol
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I am once again convinced that AKB is captivating,
and I love this idol group.
Practically, we saw the moment of the birth of team A’s new center, Sashihara.
I have no idea about the landscape of HKT.
Yeah, because they are still less than 1y/o.
I think Miyawaki is amazing because she won her position despite her group’s still short career,
Kojiharu showed outstanding last spurt as always.
I was thinking Itano won’t be top10
Tomochin didn’t talk about dumplings.
The most stable member in an election is Minegishi
Kojima and Takamina leave solid results in every election, too.
No Sleeves has no surprise in an election.
Somehow Takamina increased votes more than 10K.
Total vote of 1-40th in this year and last year.
This year1151007votes
Last year 1076312votes“
So it’s not that different… Though we can’t compare below 40.
I’m on my way to home from Budo-Kan.
Kaoru Mitsumune was crying as she was leaving the venue… She looked so mortified…“
Juruna and Rena, Milky and Sayanee, 2top of the local groups are both ranked next to each other. Is this just a coincidence?(´-`).。oO
Mariko Shinoda “members who can’t forge their own path by themselves will never win others in AKB“
Thank you so much for your support and this amazing result.
こうやってみなさんの あたたかさや ありがたみを本当に
I can feel your warmth and gratitude I hold to you… and I think that’s one of the important aspect of the election.
Actually I don’t dislike the election.
自信があるからではありません 自信はないですし、今日まで
この日が来るまではすごい不安でした 眠れない日もありました
It’s not because I’m confident. I’m not confident, as I’d been uneasy until today. I had some sleepless nights, too.
今日の日を この緊張感を味わえる今日の日を、自分にとっても成長出来る
But, this day, the day I can feel your warm cheers and feelings….
the day I can feel sense of tension… I think what I felt today will help me grow.後輩に席を譲れと言う方もいるかも知れません
Some people might say “Give over your seat to junior members.”
But I think members who can’t forge their own path unless someone hand over positions to them will never win others in AKB.
私はこうやって 皆さんと一緒に作り上げるAKB48というグループが大好きです
だからこそ 後輩には育って欲しいと思ってます。
I love this group which members and fans are creating together.
And that’s the reason why I want junior members to grow.悔しい気持ちすごくあると思います。
I think a lot of you are feeling Kuyashii*.
正直、私も今びっくりして少し悔しいです。Honestly, I’m also surprised and a little Kuyashii.
潰すつもりで来て下さい。But turn that Kuyashisa* into power to move forward, and challenge us, your seniors with that power. Challenge us with determination to crush us.
私はいつでも待ってます。I’m always waiting for your challenge.
そんな、こころつよい後輩がでてきたならば、私は笑顔で卒業したいと思ってます。And, if such strong-willed and reliable junior members appears, I will graduate with smile.
今日から来年までの篠田麻里子への期待だと思ってますLast of all, I think the votes you voted for me is not your evaluation of what I’ve done in the last 12 months, but your expectation for Mariko Shinoda in next 12 months.
今日から頑張っていきます よろしくお願いしますI am thinking that, next year, I want you to expect more and more from me, but,I will move forward with your expectation in my heart from today. Thank you so much.Kuyashii (Noun from: Kuyashisa): to feel a certain mixture of anger and frustration and bitter resentment (over a perceived injustice to oneself)
I’m Sassy Ota, but Mariko’s speech made me almost cry….
Sure, Sassy successfully managed to have her first win over Mariko.
But if you ask me if she really deserves this position, I would say no.
But I want her to grow this year and prove that she deserves No.4.
Okay so those who say “BBA gotta let young members through her.” can’t argue against her anymore.
No matter what you say, that only makes members ranked below her look miserable.
If you want to complain, then your Oshi-men just gotta do what Mayuyu, Yukirin and Sassy have done!
Her remark all the more resonates with me because she and we know that without Maeda and other oldies’s dedicated effort, AKB48 today wouldn’t exist.
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