Tons of flowers….
These are just a tiny part of the whole, aren’t these?
She is being treated like a big star!!
Tweet by a local resident
As I was passing by HKT theater, I found this surprising scene that the entrance of HKT theater are filled with wreaths of flowers gifted to celebrate her Stage debut!!
Wowww flowers increased further more!!!! There’s no space to place them all around the entrance, so now it’s almost going to surround the theater all over!! Awesome♪p(^-^)q
Togasaki Tomonobu
HKT’s Sashihara.
She will make Stage debut in Hakata today.
As I watched their rehearsal, I was almost crying….
This is amazing!!
Uhmmmm looking at this gorgeous gifts, I have an impression that Sashihara is probably just being involved in AkiP’s grand plan or plot…. Or I should say AkiP is a conspirator of this whole Sashihara’s scandal thing??
I doubt if AkiP is a person behind Bunshun’s article in order to shore up HKT48….
It’s like she would even get a wreath from that father (white dog) in Softbank’s commercial!!
Really? Then this will surely aired in Mezamashi TV!!!
Karube-san at HKT theater.
“We want as many wreaths of flowers as possible to give a mental uplift for Sashihara Rino.”
Chief editor at Sponichi, Mr. Miyajima shared the recent story on Sashihara Rino.
According to Mr.Miyajima, he got an offer from the management of AKB, which was something like, “Can we ask you to send a flower wreath to celebrate Sashihara’s debut in Hakata?” Their intention behind this offer is to give a mental uplift for Sashihara Rino, he said.
“We rarely have this kind of offer”, Mr. Miyazawa talked. Now we can feel how much AKB’s management put efforts to make sure Sashihara’s success in HKT.
Samantha Thavasa~~~!!!
LOL As everyone can expect, their flower has a unique taste!! Lol
I can predict those who got tickets of this show will put them on online auctions after the show lol
She is completely being a big star there, which I couldn’t expect… lol I couldn’t help but spewing my coffee.
It’s a kinda dick move of Bunshun that they didn’t gift any flowers!!
I if they did, people would call it a dick move, too….(;‘д‘)
Sato Kazuya
We received a lot of flowers from many people and organizations.
This is only a tiny part of the whole, by the way.
They send flowers to her when she was transferred to this team because of the scandal. Is this their own way to express irony???
Floweres to celebrate her Stage debut in the team that she has been demoted to…….
It’s like school bullying….
Even Yasusu is there…..!!!
This kind of “over-parenting” is what AKB Ota hate the most, ins’t it?
I rather wanted her to make a debut in a more quiet way….
Because this is Sashihara’s debut stage, they put her name on these flower wreath…. but because this is also new-start of HKT…. so….. come on, I wished at least a few people sent their flowers to “HKT48″….
Though I’m sure that Sashihara alone is more popular than all HKT48 members combined….
Well…. I think these flowers may give tremendous inspiration to HKT members.
So the mood is heated up more than when HKT members made their debut?
Yasusu….. now I understand why Yasusu chose this day for her stage debut. Today is the only day that he can come to Hakata with TGSK.
If he have to choose between his job as a producer and members Sentansai, he will 100% prioritize his job as a general producer.
This is what winning 4th spot in the election is meant to be…..
I somehow understood how big figure now she actually is…
Members of HKT will surely realize how huge influence top idols have in this business. Whether they are overwhelmed by this or increase their fighting spirits, it’s up to themselves.
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