Joe-chan hasn't joined theater performances after she announced graduation…
Unlike Sashihara's case, Akimoto doesn't have the nerve to come to watch Joe's graduation Stage….
Please…. AkiP please come to the show, and promise us that we can meet Joe again in the future…. ToT
↑I can understand your feelings, I can feel your pain…
But for Joe-chan's sake, please don't say that…
I think…. if she is a kind of girl who can't fit in classmates in her school, then I want her to find her place in AKB,
But Joe-chan has a lot of friends in a school and loved by many people, so she is enjoying her school life…….
School is…. Studying is important.
Hi I'm Karen-Oshi.
I haven't watched any of NMB show.
But when I saw Joe-chan, in rare occasions where she performed together with Karen (Manatsu no SG! etc.)
I was struck by her smile….
It's so sad that I won't be able to see her smile on stage anymore….
I hope today's stage will be a wonderful one for Joe-chan and all fans of her…
I'm also other member's Ota.
But I can tell you, you can rarely find a girl who has such a smile that makes everyone's heart so warm.
If there're not that huge expectation on her,
She will be loved by many more fans,
and loved by all the more many members…
I wanted to go…..
I wanted to skip my work and go there…
I bet the theater will be filled with tears of her fans…
It's the most heart breaking of all graduations I've ever experienced…
She is soo much tanned. She exceeded that level of Mirurun when she had a good tan a while back…
She couldn't overcome the pressure she created herself…
I wanted her to be in more comfortable, easy going position…
It's the most hurting to see smiles of kids disappeared from the theater.
Ota warned management not to give her too much promotional push for countless times, but they didn't hear us…
↑I think we can see this in a different way.
She's experienced a lot of things that normal kids can never experience in such a short time.
And she can enjoy normal peson's normal adolescence…. and that's a wonderful life I think.
Joe-san…. I love you!
Chuba's letters don't look like written by an elementary school kid.
Especially this is hurting for Shu….
Joe is a member who she can talk to most easily when she is with Senbatsu members…..
They're the same age and Shu loves Joe so much….
I hope this won't affect Shu that much….
She has such good juniors…
I can only say… Thank you….
I didn't know it's so painful to see my Oshi graduating 48 group…..
I just want her to enjoy the life at her school and best luck for her study…
Joe LOL Your skin got too brown that I couldn't tell it's you at the first glance^^
If she is walking on a street in midnight, I think I can't notice it'S her….
I'm backฅ(•∀•ฅ)♩
We're gonna perform at the theater tonight ( • ̀ω•́ )!
Let's rock the stage!! GanbaruJoe!!
NMB48 Sep 28th (Fri)
Team M “Idol no Yoake” (The Dawn of Idol)
Joe Eriko graduation performance.
♪Idol no Yoake
♪Zan'nen Shojo
♪Tanpopo no Kesshin
♪Medley “Oh My Gaa!”
♪Bokuha Matteru (I'm waiting for you)
Bokuha Matteiru by team N and team M…..
Okay now I got it…. tears*
I love Kanakichi and Ayabaa's combi LOL
I… I can't stop my tears…
Joe and Sayanee's 2shot^^
So N's members made appearances, too… I feel so
happy for Joe-chan…
Very simple word from Milky, but she actually feels so much pain for losing Joe.
From Milky's blog.
Congratulation on your graduation\(^o^)/
I hope you will keep moving forward in your own way and at your own pace(^^)
When I saw you during the reharsal of Idol no Yoake, I found that you've improved so much from when I first saw you… and Ainyan and I were actually crying at the audience seats LOL
Let's mail again~♪♪
Uhmm why Nana said she is on Joe's side? It sounds like as if Joe had an enemy or something….?
It's just because Nana doesn't have much of vocabulary haha
She wanted to say Joe always belongs to NMB even after she graduates.
↑Then I truly got her word^^
LOL It's so funny
That's what expected of Momoka!!
And for sure, she was crying so hard at the backstage^^
Momoka is such a nice girl….
While she talked such a funny thing for Tengoku Yarou,
She was crying during Arigatou….
She will make a comeback as 5gen or…. 6gen memebr!??!
But everyone left messages like this, and hardly anyone actually makes a comeback nor join an audition again…
The only NMB member who didn't say she will return is Otani Riko, right?
But I have a feeling that Joe…. Joe will come back…
I don't think she will make a come back but I just want to say….
Enjoy your school life to the fullest….
Actually there're only two members who've made comeback and they're in HQ, right?
↑One of the two are fired, not graduated on her own will, by the way… ><
↑Man... don't say that LOL
I think graduated member will join the audition from the final screeing?
↑Yes, but it's how AKB48 operate their audition, and I don't know NMB will do the same thing.
She said "I'm thinking". It's not that she just suggested there may be a possiblity but she actually expressed she has a will to make a comeback!!
I'll be waiting for you.
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Congratz on your graduation☆
I'm so glad that team N could join the graduation performance!♪
It was such a great Stage(;_;)☆
Sayanee refrained from her doing the usual stuff? LOL
Maachun and Kanchiru LOL
I have a feeling that Momoka fits in team N better LOL
Sayanee couldn't help but doing that LOL
Takano and Shimada look they already cried so hard…
I want to watch everything….
”Congratulation on your graduation Joe-chan.
Thanks to your participation in NMB48, I had a lot of inspirarions, and your smile always bring a good mood to the group….
Then again, I realized that Joe-chan was such a precious member in our group.
Joe-chan Thank you so much! And wish you best luck!!
I finished with Graduation Performance!!
It was so much fun☆
I have no regret!
Thank you so much to support me until today.
“Momoka and Joe are so awesome LOL
Somehow their smiles make me tears….
Momoka look so cute when she smiles normally, too^^
Nice girl, from any angle.
After all, Joe Keira is the best…
Joe-chan!! Congratulation on your graduation!\(^o^)/\(^o^)/
Related post: NMB Joe Eriko “I want to join audition for NMB48 again when I've become a high school student”
She was one of the first NMB members I noticed because of her cute eye smile. Though it’s sad to see her leave but I’m proud of her for taking a brave step in putting her education first.
Congrats Jo.
NMB LOD… when?!!! 🙁
Now this pic hurt even more T_T
and she’s back as the 4.5th gen KKS