One thing that surprise you when you look at sales table of 31st single’s theater version is…. AKB48’s KKS are selling a lot. (AKB48 team Kenkyusei can stack up to team K2 and is defeating team M and B2)
Starting with Minegishi Minami and Kojima Mako, the popularity of current KKS are insanely high. Especially 14th generations, their popularity went like a moon shot.
Naturally people are buzzing about the possibility of reincarnation of team 4….. or creation of the brand new team solely comprises AKB48’s KKS.
“They are selling whole lot more than some of regular teams.
I gotta say they should create a new team with current AKB48’s KKS.”
“Again? How many times did we have the same discussions!?”
“I totally agree with you.”
“Kojimako’s (Kojima Mako) poularity is staggering!!”
“This is why 13th generations disappoint me.
They were overtaken by 14th generations, the selected few, at an unprecedented speed. But it seems like most of 13th gen have a sense of crisis, at least that’s how it looks like to my eyes. “
“Don’t repeat the failure of team 4…. It’s vital to learn from failures…. “
“I know, when they wrap up “Omoidaseru Kimitachihe” concert series – this year’s revival concert series -, Togasaki Tomonobu will show up and annonce the creation of 2nd team 4….”
“Are there any girls who are good at singing, other than Minegishi?”
“Naachan (Okada Nana)”
“12 generation trio, Kojima Mako and Iwatate Saho should be promoted to top teams. It’s about time.”
“Shouldn’t Aigasa Moe also get promoted? Or she isn’t popular enough yet?”
“I actually see Moe as a sort of Ace of current KKS.
However, I would like to see Majisuka 4 featuring KKS as well as members from Hakata, Sakae and, if Yoshimoto gives a permission, Namba rather than the brand new team.”
“Then I would like them to make it as a sequel of Majisuka 2! Popularity of Oshima Yuko and Matsui Reina have skyrocketed thanks to the Drama, and I think Majisuka has now become a sort of Brand name…. well Except Majisuka 3….”
“The team will become complete fail if Minegishi would not in the team. After all, it’s about learning from Seniors, and how seniors mentor and teach juniors or contribute to long-term capabilities of junior members success.”
“I also have high expectation on 15th gen members.”
“You mean it’s better to create a new team for them than promote them individually to one of the three teams?”
“The same argument was made for 9th generation members and ended up with the failure of team 4.
IMO The main cause of team 4’s failure is members frustration that they didn’t get promoted to team AKB.
I bet the same will happen to current KKS if they make another team 4…”
“Minegishi’s existence will prevent the new team from repeating the same failure of team 4. The biggest disadvantage of team 4 was that it consisted of members of the same generation, which resulted in severe lack of competitiveness among them.”
“No brainer, who will come to see KKS’s theater performance? Only hardcore Otaku. Then what else they get? Hanshake event, which is also an event exclusively for Otaku fans. They can make TV appearance (Airyoshi Kyowakoku) without any particular effort. How come one can expect they can stay hungry and grow in this lukewarm state??”
“The three musketeers of 14th generation will shine more if they are promoted separately.
Kojimako is a perfect fit for team A,
Okada Nana for team K, and
Nishino Miki for team B
“If they put KKS in a sort of isolated place where the most of fans don’t even care, then what’s the difference between KKS and a member of the new team? We can’t even consider it’s a promotion. “
“At the time of team 4’s failure, I was negative about this idea, too. But when you look at HKT48’s success, if the young team has members who can serve as a mentor or teacher, like Sashihara Rino and Ohta Aika for HKT48, it’s possible to gain wider fan-base.”
“That’s a formula for success.
Do not put junior members in seniors.
Put senior members in juniors!!”
“It’s sad that although AKB48 has a lot of lovely KKS members, now all we care is HKT48 members, who got tremendous momentum.
They are younger than AKB48’s KKS, but enjoying whole lot of TV appearance, made major record debut, won Oricon Weekly Chart, while AKB48’s KKS are stagnating in the small theater….”
“Hope they will start a new TV show solely features Kenkyusei.
If possible, just copy the format of HKT Hyakkaten by simply replacing Sashihara with Minegishi.
Nothing ever starts without getting know em. Unfortunately right now there are little or zero chance that ordinary people happen to know them and get interested in them…”
“Q. What has changed after transferred to team B from 4?A. ( Nakamura Mariko) Back when I was in team 4, it felt like a extra curricular activity because all of my teammates are either same generation or younger. Since I’ve become a member of team B, and had a lot of opportunities to work with senior members, I have instilled a sense of professionalism into me.”
“Even the members of the old team 4 (mainly consists of 9th generation), who were enormously popular when they were KKS failed to create a top team themselves.
And what about Iwata Karen or Oshima Ryoka? If they would make a new team 4, then these members, who got promoted earlier but still haven’t gained much popularity yet, will be all the more forgotten by fans, won’t they?”