Lots of lots of emotions are flowing out of myself(´;д;`)
Anyway, I’m incredibly happyYYYYYY(´;д;`)
Hilary, Yukarun and Miyupon, my heartiest congratulations to you all!(´;д;`)
I’m so happy about this(´;д;`)
But we also had a sad thing.
Though it was a short time?, she had been an important part of team A.
I love her so much(´;ω;`)
Including Yukarun, we now have new members in our team A.
I feeling glad and excited!
But…. is team supposed to change so frequently?
Especially when we are getting attached to each other….
Honestly I have a mixed feeling about this.
But we gotta stay positive!!
This new team A will sure be a wonderful team like it is now!!
Everyone! Please keep supporting us!!
The second day (for her and AKB) of Nippon Budokan concert is over.
And, I, Omori Miyu, was promoted to team B of AKB48!!
For now, I can’t stop tears of joy!!
My mind went completely blank.
As Hilary’s name and Yukarun’s name were announced, I was so scared that my name might not be called, and my body was shivering…..
But when my name was called, I was too surprised that I couldn’t believe that. My name didn’t sound like my name.
But moments passed and all the things I went through up till now went through my mind. I couldn’t stop tears flowing out.
I cried a lot.
Until today,
there was a period when I had a feeling that my same generation members and juniors were leaving me behind, and went well ahead of me,
and I had no idea what to do.
There was a period when I was crying all the time.
There was a time when I couldn’t think of anything but negative things, and lost myself in worries.
All of these things transformed into these tears of joy.
It was like I’m dreaming.
I think this happened thanks to you all.
When I was struggling, you always sensed it,
and told me,
“Everything is gonna be alright.
Believe in what you’ve done.
Believe in yourself.”
You gave me countless of words.
When times get tough, and I fell in negative thoughts and thought maybe I should give up…
Although I’m an idol, the job to make people cheerful, you are the one who made me cheerful.
Thank you so much.
I’m now glad that I didn’t give up.
I’m glad that I didn’t let it get me down.
I’m glad that I believed you and myself.
I truly think so.
I also feel grateful to my families who’ve been always supporting me.
Since I could stand at the start line, I would like to keep doing my best with this feeling I have right now in my mind.
This is just a start!
Honestly, I feel uneasy about what comes next,
But I just frantically work frantically.
I will give it everything I’ve got.
Everyone, please keep supporting me….!
I truly thank you!
I’m Sasaki Yukari, who was promoted to team A, today!Be true to myself, up until now, and from now on ☆
i would like to try my best at everything, trust myself and always keep my initial earnest in mind !
And….. to all of you… Thank you for supporting me always.
I’m really glad.
Thank you all for your continuing support ^_^♪
Oshima Ryoka I’ll be counting on you o(^_^)o
Team A!!
Matsui Rena Congratulation Yukarun!
I’d been looking at you (all during the promotion announcement) ( ^ω^ )
Thank you for coming to the Budokan!So many things happened, but what made me happy more than anything was,
All the 12th generation members have been promoted to the regular teams♡ YUkarun, Rina and Miyupon! I’m so happy about this(´▽`)
Yukarun!We’ll be in the same team♡
Don’t you think team A hasdisproportionately many 12th gen members? LOL
I’m so glad because this is the team that I’ve been dreaming to join^o^Since i still haven’t sorted out my feelings, I will share my thought later when it settles down (^◯^)
I’ll keep trying my best! Please keep cheering for me.^o^)
Finally, all 12th generation members are promoted…☆I’m so happy for this~(T-T)☆Rina will join team K \(^o^)/I’m looking forward to working with you in the same team (^^)
Fujie Reina
Muto Tomu
But no one would find out this is me unless she told that LOL
Muto Tomu
I’m gonna go to protest her tomorrow.
Kuramochi Asuka
Oh no… (゚⊿゚)!
Muto Tomu
Kuramochi-san. Good morning( ̄ー ̄)笑
I’m gonna get revenge Mochi-san’s fail on yesterday !o(`ω´ )o
Seanking a shot of Tomu’s beautiful sleeping face ーー♡!
I bet this time she didn’t notice being photographed♪(´ε` )笑
Kuramoshi Asuka +92 Good job ( `ิิ∇´ิ)
Muto Tomu +20 Wait。←