NMB48 Theater Manager – Kaneko Takeshi- apologizes for the low amount of members that are ranked this year as part of his responsibility. In response to Mr.Kaneko Takeshi’s speech about
Archive for Jounishi Kei (上西恵) by AKB48WrapUp • Jounishi Kei (上西恵)

Why these NMB48 members rank in 37th single Sousenkyo preliminary result and who should have ranked?
48G Members celebrate Tano Yuka’s 16th birthday!
4Tano Yuka, Shinoda team A member turned 16 today. Happy Birthday, Tanochan!! See how she is loved by members beyond the groups!! Tanochan updated her G+ seconds after or the

Heartbreaking final message from NMB48 Kenkyusei Togo Sora and 3 more
4” ” 安藤忠雄が建築について語って、大島がアイドルについて話す? She talks about idols while Ando Tadao talks about architecture in the same book!?!? ” おいおい場違い感がすごいなww 秋元あたりに頼めよ。 Oh wait, it looks Oshima was misplaced lol I wonder why

NMB48 Team N Original Setlist Unveiled in October, and one more about Jonishi Kei!
4. ” LOL They don’t wait til the audition for 4gen will finish!?!? ” Or they already finished the audition!? ” ↑It’s impossible because they just stopped accepting applications at

Saruoba starts introducing 14gen members on Gugutasu and 2 more!!!
2She is called “Nattun” or “Nacchan” at her school….Uhmm….. . “The first photo looks so Professional….. “Maybe she was taken photos for Gugutasu by professional cameraman at the photo shoot?

Do you know there’s a stunningly beautiful girl in NMB called Jonishi Kei aka Keicchi?
6Recently I spotted her when I was watching Geinin, an got hooked on her….. Haha you’re so late in the game. She is loved by many members. In Kobetsu Handshake

Jonishi Kei loves to meet Komodo Doragon in Jakarta!
5He is so cute♥♥♥♥ I want to meet this Doragon-chan (´・ω・`) Aoki-san, thank you so much♪ I found Comodo Dragon in Jakarta!!(^^;; I want to show this guy to Keicchi

NMB’s new single’s coupling ”Mousou Girlfriend”, MV will be released tomorrow (Video: NMB Live concert at Nicofarre)
0NMB’s upcoming 5th single’s coupling “Mousou Girlfriend” (go on sale on Aug 8) will be featured in MinMinDaha’s commercial which starts airing from tomorrow, July 3rd. MV of the song

Top 3 good looking girls in each team!!
2“A Kojima, Shinoda, KuramochiK Nakatsuka, Itano, KikuchiB Mayu, Masuda, Suzuki ShihoriS Kizaki, Matsui R, Yagami (http://www.ske48.co.jp/profile/list.php)4 Kawaei, Shimazaki, TanoKll Kogiso, Mokaida, Furukawa (http://www.ske48.co.jp/profile/list.php)E Kimoto, Hara, Shibata (http://www.ske48.co.jp/profile/list.php)N Joenishi, Fukumoto, YamadaH

Eccentric Fashion Icons of Akihabara48, Karen and Momoka, Team Up! (and 2 other topics on Sashiko and Milky)
0Close Bond between Momoka and Karen Kinoshita Momoka on G+ Let’s head for the battle field….. Iwata Karen on G+ We finished with Akyusyukai~! It was so much fan!! Thank

Kawaii? Cool? Enough of them! Let’s Talk About Beautiful members!!
0“Who are “beautiful members”?? I mean girls who are admired by girls.Kojiharu, Umecha, Mocchi, Annin, Tomu and Nana…..These girls comes first when we talk about beautiful members??“Airi Furukawa(team Kll, who

Karen-chan’s Cute Mistake In Kanji Test (and 2 other stories about Milky and Suika Baby)
0Karen-chan made cute mistake in Kanji reading and writing test… Karen Iwata on G+ (posted on 3:53AM) “Dear students who are studying late at night like me★And… adult people who stay