Sensual Gravure Photography of AKB48 Members!

Did Takamina Die In MV of Junen Zakura?

Hilarious Collection of Nogizaka46 Nishino Nanase’s ‘Jojo-style’ Music Station entry

Kawaii ha Seigi

Archive for Kaigai Gumi (海外組) by AKB48WrapUp  •  Kaigai Gumi (海外組) 

JKT48 3rd Anniversary Concert Report! AKB48 x JKT48 joint concert to be held in February 2015!


Hey guys we meet again. This time I’ll write about JKT48 3rd anniversary concert which was held in two days (27th – 28th December 2014). Around 4000 fans flocked on

SNH48’s Gingham Check MV, the girls’ prayers for missing MH370 and other SNH48 news


SNH48 shooting for their new MV. Yes! It’s Gingham Check (黑白格子裙) MV!! Gingham Check is a coupling song from SNH48’s 4th EP, Heart Electric. Member Zhao Jiamin doesn’t seem to

Haruka Nakagawa vs Aki Takajo, who had more successful career as JKT48 member?


It has been more than a year after the formation of AKB48’s team Kaigai. How successful is  the career of team Kaigai members abroad? Do they career abroad have significant

‘Horror Queen’ Suzuki Mariya spooked, has ‘Mixed Feelings’, SNH48’s Valentine Day Photoset


On 8 February, SNH48’s Suzuki Mariya attended the premiere of ‘Kokkuri-san – Shin Toshi Densetsu‘ – the third horror movie that she has starred in. Mariyannu’s frequent appearances on frightening

[ WrapUp Post ] JKT48’s Koisuru Fortune Cookie Center is Harugon! Matsui Jurina’s new fringe and SKE48’s New Stages!


We’re sorry about the recent lack of updates – our editors have been really busy with RL activities ( no, we’re not going to neglect this website ever! ) and

What does JKT48’s Nakagawa Haruka do during Ramadhan in Indonesia?


During Ramadhan (ラマダン)Muslim People→ During Ramadhan when the sun is out, they can’t eat and drink, after the sun has gone down, then they will start to eat a lot.Christian

JKT48 Nakagawa Haruka, SKE48 Sato Seira won’t run for the election this year


There have been variety of reactions from members regarding to this year’s election system, where one must publicly declare their will to participate in the election battle in order to

In Shanghai, Miyazawa Sae struggling to lead immature SNH48 members


Japanese News TV Program “every” covered the latest situation of SNH48, featuring struggles of Miyazawa Sae, the (tentative) leader of the group. The brief Summary of the news; -A professional dance coach

AKB48 named Tourism Ambassador for Guam, 4 members run 1st Guam international marathon


The Guam government national tourist bureau appoints AKB48 as the tourism ambassador who promotes the charm of Guam. A swearing-in ceremony will be held in Guam on April 6th, the even

YoutubeのごめサマMVにJKTオタが押し寄せてる (JKT Ota flooding at Gomen’ne Summer MV on Youtube)


It’s filled with English comments! How come? Gon Effect There were people who appreciate this lovely thing overseas as well, I’m happy Great job! Harugon! Yagami is so cute >>1

Nakagawa Haruka’s transfer to JKT48 has already been determined to be on May and one more


” ” Ohhhhh!!!!! Considering that there’re tons of illegal downloads of the content, I hope they will present more insentive to pay money for this service!! First of all, I

HKT48 manager interview, why he chose Kodama for Center, and Miyazawa Sae on Transfer to SNH48


(skip) -You wrote on your blog that you couldn't talk with Acchan in person during Tokyo Dome concert. “Honestly I wanted to talk to her in person, and wanted to take a

Miyazawa Sae's transfer to Chinese Group SNH48 is just to dangerous!


“ Look at this…. Japanese super markets and factories… Uniqlo sucks up to China. The display says “Senkaku-islands are the territory of China” Factories of Panasonic Destroying Japanese cars Free distribution of

Akicha is the Strongest Member in Arm Wrestling?


“ She’s actually the strongest, but are there any other contenders? “    (Wingom: the announcer said that she was using half her strength.) “ Watch AKB to XXMiyazawa won!

Fanmade video of JKT48 Theater Opening Ceremony/Performance, Akicha etc.


Fanmade video of JKT48 Theater Opening Ceremony/Performance Fanmade video of Akicha!! 。 Akicha, Harugon and Mochiko will join today’s theater together! Never miss fan reports tonight!!

Check out AKB48, Akicha, and Harugon in Indonesian Local News!!


Check out AKB48, Akicha, and Harugon in Indonesian Local News!! Akicha was moved to tears as fans sent warm words to her to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of French Kiss,

Akicha and Haruka back home from Jakarta, immediately start working!


Akicha and Haruka flew back from Jakarta on a flight that arrived at Narita Airport on 7:15, NH938.