G+ is Ideal Playground For Mariko

  April 10, 2012

Recently we found an interesting phenomena in this internet sphere. Yesterday, today, strange objects are occupying Mariko Shinoda’s G+ wall…

Yesterday’s discovery
G+ Today, Kojiharu & Mariko

Today, initially she starts posting these Ascii Art on twitter, but because, of course, twitter can’t show line break correctly, she left twitter with this message 皆見れないみたいだからGoogleにいってきますー( *`ω´) さよなら〜 (Because it looks like everyone can’t see them correctly, I move to G+, bye~~)

Here are the evidence of the phenomena I found on her G+ wall today.

篠田麻里子  –  7:00 PM  –  

  –  Public

皆どっかにいってるみたいだね… (Seems everyone is not here)
│お|∧ ∧
│産| //
└○┘ (⌒)

篠田麻里子  –  7:10 PM  –  

  –  Public

 ( *`ω ´) 
 ( O┳O) ピョン
こう見えても仕事中だよっ♪ (Though it looks like I’m killing time, I’m working right now)

Mariko said she was right middle in the photoshooting and sent this photo! Fresh Flower Hair Ornament.

She also reacted to Kojiharu’s twitter, who is now in Okinawa or Photoshooting.
Kojiharu: Hello (from Okinawa)

Mariko: お土産よろしくお願いします( *`ω´)八(бвб) (I’m looking forward souvenir.)

│お|∧ ∧
│産| //
└○┘ (⌒)
Kojiharu: たかみにゃも(^-^) (With Takamina :))

Mariko: ツンツン~( *`ω´)σ)вб*)   (Poking Kojiharu’s ceek with her finger)

Too cute, too Kawaii…
According to her, those Askii Art is not made by herself but she copied what her fans sent to her lol