HK Trip With Her Best Frineds…. Acchan Had Asked AkiP For Months

  April 5, 2012

The day after the announcement of her graduation, Acchan visited Hong Kong to join “Genki Na Nippon” campaign. But this is in fact her request to AkiP, which she made months before the actual visit. She went HK with Haruka Nakagawa, and Yuka Masuda, both went to the same high school with Acchan, and in Acchan’s words she “spent adolescence together”. That’s the why she had a wonderful smile despite this tough time?

Here is lied-back interview with Acchan in HK by Sponichi,

During her whole time in Hong Kong, Atsuko Maeda looked so cheerful. She nicely accepted unscheduled press interview for 2 day row.

“Why do you choose that hair style?”

“Because Gon (Haruka Nakagawa) asked me to have same hair style, and I said ‘What kind?’… and we are like ‘Because i’s Hong Kong, let’s do our hair in a bun!!'”

“You also did hand-shake event, how was that?”

“Everyone was so passionate. I thought they have more clear stance on who they like.”

“This is a first time live event of AKB48 in Hong Kong.”

“Was it?? I really enjoyed it.”

“I heard you were eating a lot of interesting stuffs at the dressing room.”

“Whenever I go overseas, my stomach gets bigger. Maybe because we had concert, I unconsciously lost my weight?? Or because of pressure and tension, I couldn’t eat a lot. After I came here, I could loosen myself.”

 “You also tried Canton dishes. What did you eat?”

 “I ate something like ウーパールーパー (axolotl )…”


 “(Haruka Nakagawa and Yuka Masuda told her correct name) Oh Garoupa!! and bamboo clam, …We had shark fin soup.
“What did you like the best of all you had??”
“Fried rice!!!!” (lol)

She and two girls also enjoyed gorgeous nightscape of Hong Kong. When they walked through the city, fans were gathering around them, but they never had any trouble.
She said “Because they, fans in Hong Kong, respected manner. They are telling each other not to approach us too close. I rarely had a such experience. so very impreessed.”
Earlier this year, she said “This is my 7th year in AKB48, but until recently I couldn’t enjoy being a member of AKB48.” From her middle teen, she has had every responsibility on her shoulder as “Ace” of AKB48. She is also very critical to evaluate herself. Now finally her self-evaluation and outside-evaluation are meeting, she chose to leave the group. This decision let her feel real freedom from heavy pressure, and enjoy being in AKB48 as a member, I think.
At the press conference in Hong Kong, she spoke to fans “I’m still in AKB48. I’m grateful if you can enjoy AKB48 with me (until and after her graduation).”