Kana Kobayashi on G+
Because it received a lot of love from everyone , my Minegishi has grown like this big! ! Indeed , love is the number one source of nourishment!!
Fans comments to her include the following,“Spare a little from the white part, and put it into soil! You can grow Minegishi again!!”“Because I only saw blue part above the surface of the soil, I didn’t know Minegishi has become such a long under the soil… “
Mayu Watanabe on G+
“OhayougozaiMyuyu!!Today, Warota releases the new single “Shonen yo Uso o tsuke!”. Yatta~~~!!This is a theme song for movie Shin-chan!!Everyone!! Thank for your support☆I will GanbariMayuyu the event at Zepp Tokyo!!”Kazumi Urano on G+“Release date! (^^)I am being a little nervous for the event!!”Then Mayuyu copy-pasted Cindy’s comment!Mayu Watanabe“Release date! (^^)I am being a little nervous for the event!!”Mayuyu “Zandy!!”Cindy “Gorua!!!”Mayuyu “Your photo on single’s jacket…!!! lol”Cindy “I will take a center position from you~~~~!!!”
Cindy “Let’s aim at no.1 (in Oricon chart)!!!”Mayuyu “Gorua!!”Cindy “Gorua!!”Rina Hirata “(⌒▽⌒)You are so cute\(//∇//)\ ”
Suzuran Yamauchi on G+
“Good evening!!
Today, I was given an opportunity to join “GDO Amateur Golf tournament”!!
Today’s tournament was held to select golfers who will join Kantoh region tournament!!
If I can pass today’s preliminary match, and Kantoh region tournament, then I can join the national tournament!!
In this important preliminary match… I…. Suzuran Yamauchi…. guess what??? yeah! I passed it!!!
Yayyyyyyy!!!I couldn’t leave a good result in the first half, but in the second half, I could get back!!
I’m so happy that I could finish this match with a good result!!
I will be striving to keep efforts, so….
Please support my challenge\(^^)/”
Haruka Shimada on G+
“Today’s target/victim is…. this girl!!
Who should I target on tomorrow….?”Serina Kumazawa “God evening! Mitsumune-san…. is so cool!!”
Shihori Suzuki “Kaoru is too handsome!!! lol”
Shihori Suzuki “When you share your sleeping face, Haruu???”