Shinobu-san talks about costumes of Election Single (and 2 ohter topic on Mogi-chan and Kawaei)

  June 24, 2012

AKB’s KKS Mogi Shinobu had a face like (・_・) from being nervous

Kasaki Shinobu on G+


I joined a pre-stage performance!!
And thank you for sharing your thought on Ariyohi Kyowakoku

I’m crying for my lack of acting skill ( ノД`)

By the way, today, Maeda Ami-san said to me…. to take a photo together!!!!!!!

I got so tensed up and couldn’t stop sweating 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 
My heart felt like stop beating….
Probably my face was like this (・_・) v
Maeda Ami on her blog

Shinobu-san talks about costumes of Election Single

Kayano Shinobu on G+
I….. can’t think of anything to write because it’s…. been so long since I last updated my G+…
I feel like I’m a person who got out of a deserted island and wants to talk to town people but don’t know what to say….
Anyway….. we’d been constantly on the filming mission…. these 2 weeks was flt like a long war….

Due to lack of sleep, I suffered memory loss, and unbelievably, I forgot Asano’s name….which would almost harm our relationship….(^O^)/

Please look forward to MV (of election single!!)
You may see the new AKB!?!?

Finally she eased this critical shortage of Shinobu-san within me….

Shinobu changed her profile photo????

I know members have been on  tough schedule,
But supporting staffs for AKB are busier than members actually….
But…. I can’t imagine how grueling their work is….. “Memory loss”?? It sounds horrific….

Kayano Shinobu
No (Not all costumes are designed by me), here are main designers of each song…

Senbatsu → Me
Under → My friend Tacti (the guy who designs costumes for Tomochin’s solo singles)
Next → Hoso-chan (Former costume staff for AKB, now an independent designer. His latest work is French Kiss’s costume.)
Future → Asano (AKB’s Costume staff)

I wanted to do everything myself~~~

But I couldn’t know line-up of each team (until it’s announced on 6th June), and I had another work on the same schedule…. so I would rather want to leave it to my reliable friends and staffs than do things by halves.
After all, this is election single 

Oh.. so the man called Tacti was the costume staff!!
He is the guy many members follow on twitter, right?

Tacti is horribly Hantai.

Tacti is kind of queer.
As far as I can see from his twitter, he just looks “the ladies man” and Hentai… lol
It’s hard to imagine he is queer from his looks and fashion in the photos….. Human is complicating…. lol

Itano Tomoni on Twitter
Stop it~~ People would misunderstand lol Tacti is a camp lol
In reply to Mariko’s tweet “Don’t be shy (^-^)/”

Kayano Shinobu

TGSK-san’s position has a lot of task that can be given over to staffs even though they are reliable.
You know, AKB never exist without fans, so I think TGSK-san really wants to hear your voices in person. That’s how I feel from listening to his words at meetings etc. And…. after all, it’s tough to let staffs do important jobs no matter how much we trust them. I had the same experience….

Uh? JKT’s costumes are all brand new.

Because…. I have meetings with JKT’s costume designers beyond the language barrier, and checks their costumes made in local factories~~
Though we lent costumes for their Pajama Drive Stage, they wore brand new costumes for all-members songs. But… in media appearance, they wore the same costumes as AKB??? I will check it.

6th grader boy cast a hostile gaze at Kawaei Rina

Takahashi Juri on G+

I’ve been to Disney Sea with Kawaei-san~♪♪

Yeah, from the early morning!!

We had a lot of things.
Kawaei san was sleeping standing up during the waiting time….
Because Kawaei-san has a child-like face, she was cast a hostile gaze from 6th grader boy…..
But it was so much fun!!

It was a nice day off (#’∀’#)/

Iriyama Anna “Maihama!!!!!!! Enemy!!”
Kawaei Rina “6th grader boy……. (#゚Д゚) damn!!”


So she was recognized as an enemy by kid??

Actually I’m not surprised if it’s Kawaei…. 

Anyway, they are so close to each other….