Title of the main theme song of the anime staring Mayu is released: "Sayonara no Hashi" by Watanabe Mayu

  September 21, 2012

Will this be the title of her 3rd single!?

Sounds like it’s gonna be a ballad.

If it’s ballad, may it be the 1st coupling song on the single?

80’s tune. Probably this will be a coupling song.
Or I should say I don’t want this song to be the title song…

By the way, though it’s a little late to mention this, she is really good at voice acting! Actually I think this role suits her more than Chieri!

Uhmm so will this be the case where the song, which is a main theme song of movie, won’t be the title song of the single?

↑ It may be possible.
This Anime won’t be screened in many theaters, and probably the scale of promotion is quite limited.
Which means it can be a coupling.

I like this beautiful ballad that is not too dark.
As always, will the single contain 6 songs?
That would be insanely tough for Yasusu…
And, of course, Mayuyu has started recording for the single.

Probably her single will be the first solo release from AKB after Sashiko’s 2nd.
