Miyazawa Sae – Not the perfect idol, but the perfect oshimen

  May 14, 2015
Vote for My Oshi! Campaign - Miyazawa Sae

Genking. The ikemen idol. Twin Towers. Everyone’s source of energy.

Vote for My Oshi! Campaign - Miyazawa SaeVote for My Oshi! Campaign - Miyazawa Sae

A 2nd generation veteran of 630 theater shows, 30 single senbatsu appearances and infinite TV performances.

An incredibly kind person, and a grand senpai. An awesome performer.

A six time sousenkyo all star. A team captain.

Vote for My Oshi! Campaign - Miyazawa Sae

This all (and more) is Miyazawa Sae, the somewhat forgotten senbatsu girl of earlier days.

Vote for My Oshi! Campaign - Miyazawa Sae

For many of you, Sae might have fallen off the radar in recent years.

You are not to blame.

All these transfers between groups got confusing at some point. You might think she made some questionable decisions. She is not getting younger as well. Too many new exciting, maybe cuter members appear all the time. Am I right?

So, why vote for Sae, then?

I think that even if we acknowledge the need for new stars, we should not forget those who made AKB48 the most awesome girl group known to man.

Last year, Sae lost 1/3 of her votes from 2013 ( and still managed to rank in at 12th place! ).

Vote for My Oshi! Campaign - Miyazawa Sae

Yet, she still smiled like she had won the whole thing.

Because Sae just loves being a member, even after all these years, and all the ups and downs she has gone through.

I don’t want her to fall further. If you think about it, you should not want it either.

A vote for her might not be showing your love, as Yuko, her best friend, once put it, but it might represent a big “Thank you, Saechan!” for ten awesome years of genkiness.

Vote for My Oshi! Campaign - Miyazawa Sae

Yes, this is Saechan – now pick your jaw up from the floor.

Thank you for reading. Tebasaki!

A submission by rka

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