AKB48 41st Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo – Information & Dates

Can you explain why you can still be Sashihara Rino’s fan?

[Trashy] Secret behind Muto Tomu’s and Watanabe Miyuki’s Halloween Night costumes!?

‘DOCUMENTARY of HKT48’ Movie Director Sashihara Rino fulfilled her Sosenkyo campaign promise to perform in bikini

Archive for Abe Maria by AKB48WrapUp  •  Abe Maria 

POLL: Pick Your Favorite Cross-Dresser from AKBINGO 2014 Spring “Danso Koshien”


1. Abe Maria (阿部マリア) as “Phantom Thief” 2. Takahashi Juri (高橋朱里) as “Novelist” 3. Watanabe Mayu (渡辺麻友) as “Florist” 4. Kojima Mako (小嶋真子) as “Playboy Charao” AKB48 girls as judges overwhelmingly said Mayuyu was the best

Happy Birthday Mariko-sama! AKB48 Shinoda Mariko’s 27th Birthday


AKB48 Shinoda Mariko also known as Mariko-sama turned 27 on March 11. In a blog post titled “Arigato”, Mariko-sama revealed that AKB48 members including Kojima Haruna, Itano Tomomi and Takahashi

Request Hour Setlist Best 100 DVD & Blu Ray get release! Contains “Hashire Penguin” Music Video


AKB48 “request hour set list best 100 2013” DVD goes on sale! ! AKB48 just announced that this year’s Request Hour, which was held at TOKYO DOME CITY from January

Chinese fans in Australia send Valentine’s Day gift to AtsuMina and 1 more


@atsuko_100 あっちゃん見てね!!オーストラリアにいる中国のファンからのバレンタインお祝いのメッセージですよ!!あつみな最高!!!♥\(^o^)/ twitter.com/yanmili/status… — Yanmi W Y Li (@yanmili) February 14, 2013 Fans Reactions: “Chinese people are so awesome.” “How much does this cost?” “Is this done by a person

AKB48 Oshima Yuko’s Heartwarming interaction with Tsunami Victim Kids


” Yuko is so cute… ” They’re putting their hearts into this event. And people living in the Tsunami hit area can have a fun time thanks to them. This

Kuramochi Asuka’s activity report of “MimitaBU”


 . “Welll, AbeMari is the only member of MimitaBu except Mochiko “ “What a face!! хорошо!!! “Borushige’s face LOL “It’s so rare to see Murashige, who is always aggressive, is

Majisuka3 members wrapped up filming


    >I took various photos with Uruse~yo full body photo panel~♪I guess photos Shimada takes are like these?      

Majisuka Gakuen 3: Ep.2 “Nakama no Shirushi (The Sign of Camaraderie)”


Majisuka Gakuen 3 (マジすか学園3) EP01 “They’re also serious here as well” ~Thoughts and Impressions~ “My thoughts on this week: ・Peace (Yuria) acting like a devotee was unpleasant.・Overall, it was disagreeable.・Tetsuo

Things we learned from NHK’s radio program ”AKB三昧”


Related post: NHK’s executive producer Mr. Ishihara is Ota….! “The reason Takamina and Kojiharu accidentally wore the same private clothes is not because Takamana improved her taste of fashion, but Kojiharu’s taste has degraded.

The Main Cast of AKB48’s Majisuka 3 has been Identified!


Majisuka 3 Team Habu This time, girls get out of schools and the new Drama set in the JAIL!! AKB48’s new generation, team 4 plays the central role of this

Things That Happen In USA48


“ Their songs have Rap part. “ High rate of fake tits… “ Everyone is plump. “ Ota’s MIX is ridiculously fluent. “ Their vocal volume is ridiculously high. “ Belly

Is Hilary Chihou-gumi member? (and 4 other stories on 13gen’s 6-months anniv, Shiichan, Tomu and Micha)


Is Hilary Chihou-gumi member??? Note: Chihou-gumi is originally a group of 4gen members who come from prefectures far from Tokyo. 5 original members of Chihou-gumi are Rino Sashihara, Shizuka Ohya,

TGSK: Next Ace will be from ‘After 8gen’


TGSK Next Ace will be from “after 8gen” Note: “After 8gen” means 9-13gen in this context TGSK “My personal feeling is that candidates for Next Ace are in “After 8gen”.

Harugon’s New Nick name….


Haruka Nakagawa on G+ Good morning !! Sorry to keep you waiting .So the election of my nickname was over and the result is…!! “Harusan” Because we decided for this

All Things Considered, Which is Superior, Team 4 or Team N?


1名前:名無しさん@実況は禁止です投稿日:2012/05/31(木) 15:19:02.73:9swAHdaH0From ordinary fans perspective, team 4 is superior?? 3名前:名無しさん@実況は禁止です投稿日:2012/05/31(木) 15:23:21.35:vRd8iGGZ0Team N started earlier, but more cute girls in team 4. 5名前:名無しさん@実況は禁止です投稿日:2012/05/31(木) 15:24:25.68:aok9gY/A0As for media exposure, team 4 goes far ahead

Karen-chan Forms Nama Ham Alliance with Senior members (and 3 other stories about Miorin, Tanamin and Paruru)


From yesterday’s (29th) G+ updates of AKB48 members. Karen Iwata on G+ “This is the moment when we saw the birth of Nama Ham (Raw Ham) alliance!!Yay~~~~!!!Members who love raw

Sae Photo-Matsuri Starts Right Now~~~~~!!!


Though her appeal comment in the video is too normal until the last portion (she said right half of her face have a girl like makeup while another half have