Grand Reformation Festival in February & Request Hour 2014 Day 4 rankings

AKB48’s Koisuru Fortune Cookie, Global Flavour – Ready to Consume!

There’re So Many Photos That Prove AKB48 Kato Rena Is A Serial Kisser

Real-life Sexy Loli Mukaichi Mion stole the show at Tv-Tokyo Ongaku-Sai…! (probly NSFW)

Archive for AKB48 by AKB48WrapUp  •  AKB48 

AKB48 49th single Preliminary Sousenkyo Results Out – NGT48’s Ogino Yuka robbed the top spot for now!


More or less everyone’s faces when #1 got announced! 荻野由佳ちゃんが速報1位入りした時のAKB劇場の驚きw #NGT48 #荻野由佳 #柏木由紀 #AKB総選挙2017 — ゆっきぃ(Re:) (@yu_ki_48_mk2) May 31, 2017 速報1位、55,061票、荻野由佳!!ゆきりんの表情でその衝撃をお楽しみ下さい。 — ataru@ぶちかました13期 (@ataru_mix) May 31, 2017 昨年の速報1位票数:42,034今年の速報1位票数:55,061

Sousenkyo 2016 Final Results – AKB48 45th Single Senbatsu – Sashihara Rino takes the Top Spot consecutively for the first time!


#1 Sashihara Rino – 243,011 votes.#AKB48選抜総選挙 #指原莉乃 — 48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) June 18, 2016 A freakish coincidence? Sasshi's votes: 243,011 Read backwards1位をさしに MIND BLOWN — crescentsaber (@crescentsaber) June 18, 2016

AKB48 45th single Preliminary Sousenkyo Results Out – Watanabe Mayu claims 1st for the first time!


Related: AKB48 2013 32nd single Preliminary Election Results Released! Sashihara Rino claims the top spot!!! AKB48 2014 37th single Preliminary sousenkyo result is out – Sashihara Rino takes the top

[Opinion] The Closure of Hello!Online


In case you haven’t heard – arguably the (most?) popular tracker for Idol related video / audio content has been made inactive as of a few hours ago. So if

48G Members Top Ten: Variety Queens


When AKB48 is discovered by somebody for the first time, it’s usually because of a video clip found on Youtube or some other place online that showcases the girls doing

AKB48’s 41st Single “Halloween Night” first public performance at Music Day 2015


So this is it, Halloween Night ( ハロウィン ナイト ), “the song” to answer the extraordinary efforts of fans of the 272 members who applied to be in the running



Renacchi-byo(れなっち病): A type of interpersonal behavior that was made famous by AKB48 Kato Rena. It is sometimes contagious. Renacchi-byo patients display a strong urge to kiss nearby people of the

Meet Chiba Erii, an 11 y/o Girl Widely Applauded As Tsuchiyasu 2.0


Takahashi Minami revealed her weight on 755, made headlines all over the internet


Tired Paruru falls asleep while walking, wakes up to find a bruise on her leg


AKB48 Tano Yuka flashes her rock solid abs during ANN broadcast


Kashiwagi Yuki fans show their support upon her return to Twitter after Bunshun published her scandal


AKB48 fandom, especially fans of Kashiwagi Yuki, were severely shocked by the news of her dating scandal with Johnny’s famous womanizer Tegoshi Yuya of NEWS. Shunkan Bunshun published photos of AKB48 Kashiwagi

AKB48 Watanabe Mayu made fans laugh with her Self-Deprecating joke: ‘I’m Always 3rd Place!’


It’s like 3.6… 3.6% viewers rating…

Final Results of AKB48 41st Single General Election 2015 – Sashihara Rino blasted away her rivals with 190K votes!


Pre-Sousenkyo Event Concert has finished, members & staff will now be preparing for the main event. — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) June 6, 2015 It's starting…!!! — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) June

How to vote in 2015 AKB48’s 41st Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo


There are only 3 days remaining until the voting deadline for AKB48’s 2015 Senbatsu Sousenkyo – and if you by any chance still have a voting tickets laying around not

AKB48 41st single Preliminary sousenkyo result is out – Sashihara Rino takes the TOP for the THIRD TIME!!!


Well – we’re not sure if we should be surprised with Sasshi taking the #1 again ( this is her third time in a row! )… what are your thoughts?

Komiyama Haruka – The girl with the perfect smile


Komiyama Haruka, also known as “Komiharu”, joined AKB48 as a member of 15th generation in June 2013. She was born in Chiba and her birthday is on September 12, 1998