AKB48 13th Gen Iwatate Saho aka Sahhoo shows her humanity for her fan who wants to Commit Suicide

Can you explain why you can still be Sashihara Rino’s fan?

‘DOCUMENTARY of HKT48’ Movie Director Sashihara Rino fulfilled her Sosenkyo campaign promise to perform in bikini

Sashihara Rino says her heart aches reading Miyawaki Sakura’s 1st photobook ‘Sakura’

Archive for April 2015 by AKB48WrapUp  •  April 2015 

Kashiwagi Yuki – The Idol of the Idols


Kashiwagi Yuki, also popularly known as Yukirin, joined AKB48 as a 3rd genereration team B member, and is also in NGT48’s Team NIII, as well a member of French Kiss.

Will you help this Sakura bloom in Hakata this year?


Miyawaki Sakura, popularly known as Sakuratan, joined HKT48 in 2011 as Kenkyuusei. She was promoted to Team H in 2012 and thus hold concurrent position in AKB48 Team A due

JKT48 10th Single Sousenkyo 2nd Preliminary Results Announced


With only a week apart from the 1st announcement of the preliminary results, there have been drastic changes to the rankings on the 2nd preliminary results with the big names

Why you should vote for Kitahara Rie!


When Kitahara Rie first joined AKB48, she was immediately one of the members that would get pushed very often, she was even considered to be one of AKB’s future aces

AKB48WrapUp’s “Vote for My Oshi!” Campaign


Won’t you vote for me? Fufufu (o^ ^o) Vote for My Oshi! Campaign Now that we’re in the period leading to the Sousenkyo, if you’re a member of a fanbase

JKT48 10th Single Sousenkyo 1st Preliminary Results & voting details, information about 9th single and more news


In accordance to their sister group, JKT48 also will hold their 2nd Senbatsu Sousenkyo to elect members who will perform 10th single. Here all the details taken from the JKT48