“XX!! Don’t stare at me!!” pictures of AKB48 Members

Can you explain why you can still be Sashihara Rino’s fan?

Hilarious Collection of Nogizaka46 Nishino Nanase’s ‘Jojo-style’ Music Station entry

Wingom’s Instant Japanese Lessons: 2 – Giving and Receiving

Archive for December 2013 by AKB48WrapUp  •  December 2013 

Looking back at 48G member graduations in 2013


“Chotto matte!!!” We’ve seen far too many graduations this year, which don’t necessarily mean a bad thing, but is probably the worst thing that can happen to a fan if

All Night Nippon 2013.12.14 (Kashiwagi Yuki, Sashihara Rino and Watanabe Mayu)


Maybe you have already finished listening to yesterday’s episode of ANN (Dec 13th, 2013). Maybe you haven’t, but that’s okay! Because I’m listening to the radio show for you! *This

3rd AKB48 Kouhaku Uta-Gassen team member lineups announced! (12/15 update!)


So, the member list for each team ( Red and White ) for the upcoming AKB48 Kouhaku Uta-Gassen that will be happening next week Tuesday, the 17th of December have

[TV Recap] Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku · Kojiharu: instead of poo, rabbit comes out!


First of all, on behalf of the AKB48WrapUp Staff I’d like to apologize for the inactivity for the past few months or so. We’ve been so busy with our own

Acchan is more beautiful than ever, Jurina’s winning smile on cover of Janken & other news!


Paruru, Sahhoo Center, Aigasa Moe, CDTV live performance Nattsun, Hilary, Mayuyu, NMB48, Kojiharu, Haruppi AKBSHOW, SKE48 Ebifura, TanoTomu Okada nana, AKB48 connects people, Kojiharu, 3 musketeers, Takahashi Juri Front cover of Janken special is Jurina’s solo picture Maeda

Introduction to AKB48 15th gen KKS & a bunch of other news!!


 Majisuka4 Introduction to AKB48 15th gen KKS Tsuchiyasu Mizuki: Good MC, Janken Senbatsu, Born on Oct 5 https://t.co/jGUVhzuDmL pic.twitter.com/fu4KCKhPJD — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) October 4, 2013 Introduction to AKB48 15th gen

What is KSGK? Here’s everything you need to know – “ksgk Relationship Diagram” by ksgk members!


ksgk Relationship Diagram Wait, I don’t know what ksgk stands for yet. Can you give more context? ksgk photo gallery ksgk family Izuta Rina (Not ksgk Senbatsu), Tano Yuka, Oshima

Blurred Line by Robin Thicke featuring AKB48 Kojima Haruna and Oshima Yuko + other news!


Video: “Blurred Line ~ Konya ha Hey Hey Hey♪” by Robin Thicke featuring #AKB48 Kojima Haruna & Oshima Yuko http://t.co/lmQlDrpIkw — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 26, 2013 AKB48 Kojima Haruna and

Maeda Atsuko reported to be in relationship with Kabuki Actor Onoe Matsuya + other news


Ex-#AKB48 Maeda Atsuko’s passionate 1st relationship? Is Kabuki actor Onoe Matsuya the lucky guy? ( onoematsuya.jp ) pic.twitter.com/3WggwXC9MB — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 25, 2013 Maeda Atsuko is in relationship with

All the matches of AKB48 34th Single Janken Taikai (2013)


[Belated News!] AKB48 33rd Single “Heart Eleki” Center:*Kojima Haruna* #AKB48 #じゃんけん大会2013 pic.twitter.com/MzKkPPFH6A — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 18, 2013 AKB48 33rd Single “Heart Eleki” A: AnRi, Takamina, Yuihan, Mayu K: Yuko B:

Ariyoshi Rep supports Kojima Mako as their 1 Oshi in Janken 2013, and a bunch of other news!


[Photos] ‘Watanabe Mayu Solo Live ~ Mayu’s Restaurant Full Course of Mayuyu Music’ http://t.co/4EV8UEmKUq http://t.co/Ggd9cxsA9a — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 16, 2013 Naana: “Omg! Tomu is trying to eat Miyupon((( ゚д゚

AKB48 Nakamata Shiori’s graduation show, and a bunch of other news!


Airin dressed as Levi from ‘Attack on Titan’ Can you guess which scene is this from? (from Takauchi Mai’s G+) #SKE48 pic.twitter.com/NiQ9Uwt3l1 — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 16, 2013 Deviant-Types #AttackOnTitan

Kojima Haruna, Oshima Yuko and Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Line” photo shoot, + other news


Whoa this guy in GTA5 is dancing Koisuru Fortune Cookie!? #kfc #恋チュン pic.twitter.com/vaUKYc3FpE — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 12, 2013 Kojima Haruna shared a picture from a photo shoot with Oshima

Masuda Yuka and Akimoto Sayaka share perspectives on present AKB48 + a bunch of other news!


Masuda Yuka’s take Masuda Yuka: “I gotta say there was a sorta flavor that only old AKB48 had. Each member had really a distinctive character. – — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September

AKB48 33rd Senbatsu! and a bunch of other news!


AKB48 33rd Senbatsu Iwata Karen is crazy over “Attack on Titans” Shinoda Mariko interview Maeda Atsuko X Milky Apparently AKB48 Senbatsu girls are at shooting 33rd Single’s Music Video today.

Sasaki Yukari’s bullying confession and a bunch of other news


Annoucement page Sasaki Yukari confessed that she was bullied in primary school. Her classmates wrote “DIE” on her desk…. pic.twitter.com/hozAfNVLlg — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 7, 2013 Yukarun’s bullied confession was

AKB48 Members’ Popularity based on Social Media Reach


Am not sure if you guys are aware but I’m a bit of a social media enthusiast, so it’s just a matter of time before I do something ridiculous like