Who is Chikano Rina?

Sensual Gravure Photography of AKB48 Members!

Kawaii ha Seigi

‘DOCUMENTARY of HKT48’ Movie Director Sashihara Rino fulfilled her Sosenkyo campaign promise to perform in bikini

Archive for August 2014 by AKB48WrapUp  •  August 2014 

How to vote in AKB48 New Team Surprise’s “Create a Song” Project!


The voting period for AKB48’s “Create a Song” project has started! To simply describe the project, basically you get to listen to 8 different melodies ( A – H )

[Tumblr Contest] Shade’s AKB48 2014 Janken Taikai Prediction Contest


Credits for the above chart to TiduShoko at Stage48; labelled circles added by Shades for the purpose of this contest. This tumblr post is taken from: http://48shadesofgay.tumblr.com/post/94881709260/akb48-2014-janken-taikai-prediction-contest-after. The tumblr contest is

Not Yet To Release “already” 2014.5.10 1st LIVE Blu-Ray/DVD


Good news for Not Yet, Oshima Yuko, Yokoyama Yui, Kitahara Rie & Sashihara Rino fans. The most popular (and practically disbanded) subunit of AKB48, Not Yet is releaseing DVD of

SNH48 – Breaking The Ice, Xu ChenChen (徐晨辰)


Hey everyone! This is StylishGoldPen, a writer for AKB48 Wrap Up. I’ll be writing many different articles so yoroshiku onegaishimasu! This particular article series that I’m starting off is the

AKB48′s Most Admired Members among Team 8 members


Eariler this week, Saruoba uploaded photos of all of Team 8 members to her Google+ account, and asked each of them to name one of a few AKB48 members whom

Which member will announce her graduation during 2014 AKB48 Tokyo Dome Concerts?


As I tweeted earlier, this year’s AKB48’s Tokyo Dome Concert is titled “No, D — Don’t Do it, Don’t Announce Your Graduation!”. Which naturally leads fans to speculate not just

Tano Yuka’s Awesomeness Heats Up The Summer!


Red Alert! Nakamura Mariko’s twitter compromised! Hacked by Tano-chan and Ryoka-chan! Ow, Mariko-san just farted! Uh Oh! It stinks as hell! 中村麻里子@marikorima1216 まりこさんオナラした!くっせえー http://t.co/x74GmZq11F Reply Retweet Favorite 2014.8.15 03:55 Team

Top 10 Most Erotic AKB48 members


Sexiness undoubtedly plays a big part in selling magazines in Japan. If you visit any convenient stores in Japan, it’s just common sense that you’ll find countless of girls in

Winner of “Kokoro no Placard Prize” gets 1-Year Pass for All of 48G Theaters


Intriguing prizes are the sure-fire way to build a viral sensation around “Kokoro no Placard”? Annoucing first “AKB48 Kokoro no Placard Taisho” (Kokoro no Placard Prize”! Write what you want

Oshima Yuko and 90′s J-pop legend Komuro Tetsuya hired to produce DiVA’s 4th and last single


During a radio show “AKB48 no All Night Nippon” (1:00 midnight, every Wednesday) aired last night, it was announced that AKB48’s sub-unit DiVA will release their new and last single

Kawaei Rina is Heavy Rotation’s Center in her comeback stage!


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw0_2oSUR8s What a comeback! As everyone knows, Kawaei Rina was on forced hiatus after the unfortunate event, and her comeback had been much anticipated by fans. And tonight, she

AKB48 5th Janken Taikai (Tournament) Preliminary Result


Over the weekend, the 48 Group held their first ever Summer Festival ( Natsu Matsuri ) that also coincide with the Janken Taikai Preliminary Round and the National Handshake Event.

Calling all 48G fans – Kokoro no Placard: Mega Collaboration Video is open for submission!


First of all, if you haven’t seen the recently uploaded Staff version of Kokoro no Placard, do that before doing anything else! OK, so now you should have a rough

JKT48 overseas activities, 1st major award, Pajama Drive revival 2.0, new variety show and more


Its been a few busy months for JKT48 members beside performing at the theater as their usual activities, they also performed in a couple of & off air events –