Red Alert! Nakamura Mariko’s twitter compromised! Hacked by Tano-chan and Ryoka-chan!
Team KSGK!
If only everyone gets creative like these girls when taking selfies!
I think I just found the cutest picture of Tanochan
If you never heard of “Yokai Watch”, it’s a video game anime and currently No.1 most popular show for kids.
Here’s “Youkai Taiso Daiichi” from “Youkai Watch”, it’s a parody of traditional Radio calisthenics
The Video Game Anime That’s Taking Japan by Storm
Source: The Video Game Anime That’s Taking Japan by Storm | Kotaku
This week, I spent four mornings out and about. I went to store after store. My mission was to locate toys from a popular anime. And boy, did I ever fail.
And this…
Jesus, world should love you so much, Tano-chan!!
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