How to vote in 2015 AKB48’s 41st Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo

Why lots of people think AKB48 is a shame of Japan and why I think AKB48’s charm has no border

‘DOCUMENTARY of HKT48’ Movie Director Sashihara Rino fulfilled her Sosenkyo campaign promise to perform in bikini

Paruru gives sweet compliment to Miyawaki Sakura in support of promoting Sakura's 1st photobook release

Archive for Umeda Ayaka by AKB48WrapUp  •  Umeda Ayaka 

Oshima Yuko and 90′s J-pop legend Komuro Tetsuya hired to produce DiVA’s 4th and last single


During a radio show “AKB48 no All Night Nippon” (1:00 midnight, every Wednesday) aired last night, it was announced that AKB48’s sub-unit DiVA will release their new and last single

Why these NMB48 members rank in 37th single Sousenkyo preliminary result and who should have ranked?


NMB48 Theater Manager – Kaneko Takeshi- apologizes for the low amount of members that are ranked this year as part of his responsibility. In response to Mr.Kaneko Takeshi’s speech about

Give me pictures of members when they are dead tired! Please!!!


Something like this maybe?I can’t hold myself!!Look at Paruru ↓RipopoDude… what kind of fetish do you have… ↑ How come Paruru gets tired if she doesn’t even move…Suuchan is…TomuHungry UnagiYagichanThis

6 topics: A fan of Umechan run Tokyo Marathon, received a congrats message from her


Today, it’s Tokyo Marathon! 今日東京マラソンだ! — 梅田彩佳 (@AyakaUmeda) February 24, 2013 By the way, one of my fan told me that he will run Tokyo Marathon, and he said he

AKB48 MVs that have the best appearance of each member


” Please share your opinion following the form below. (Member’s name) shines the most in (Song’s name)’s MV You choice is limited to MVs. ” Meetan was shining the most

Waiting Stage of New Team B to start from November 3rd


” Oh man, it’s too soon. Will Kojima-san be alright? ” Possible formation Fuji_Haruu_Miori_Miyu_Komo _Kato_Suzu__Mina_Anya_ ___Mine_Koji_Ume___ ____Milky__Kashi____ ______Paru______ ” When will the members with little promotional support will perform in

AKB48 Oshima Yuko’s Heartwarming interaction with Tsunami Victim Kids


” Yuko is so cute… ” They’re putting their hearts into this event. And people living in the Tsunami hit area can have a fun time thanks to them. This

We love the Adult Members of AKB48!!!


” I love adult members!!! 26 y/o Shinoda Mariko 1986.03.11 24 y/o Kojima Haruna 1988.04.19 Akimoto Sayaka 1988.07.26 23 y/o Oshima Yuko 1988.10.17 Umeda Ayaka 1989.01.03 Kuramochi Asuka 1989.09.11 ”

This is 48 group South-East Asia's Senbatsu members!!


guide how to get your boyfriend back 1. Watanabe Mayu 113 2. Kashiwagi YUki 85 3. Oshima YUko 61 4. Takahashi Minami 55 5. Itano Tomomi 44 6. Matsui Jurina

No featured image available for Summary of Member Comment toward 2nd Reforming of AKB [1/3]

Summary of Member Comment toward 2nd Reforming of AKB [1/3]


Here is the Comment of the member after Last Night’s Announcement on Tokyo Dome Concert. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

Team K girls help you overcome loss of appetite from summer lethargy!


 Reinyan Akimoto “オカロ” Sayaka  Happy-Married Couple Ucchi~  Umechan Saechan   Yuihan  Chris Ayarin  Tanamin Moeno  Micha  Sakiko  Yuko Miichan  Sorry for the misediting. Miichan’s photos should be in team K’s post.

SNH48 Applications Flood In!


AKB48’s International Sister Group “SNH48” had a Flood of Applications! Even a Chinese Fan Club Already Established SNH48Application Taking Starts!!! 26th July, 2012. The application taking for AKB48’s international sister

Team K’s Okinawa Concert


ItanoTomomi ✔ @tomo_coco73 Once I took a photo with Oshima it was backlit.(lol) 2012 7月 22 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 Increasing to reveal more details… I would’ve been so grateful if

(New Service) AKB48 Trading Card Game and Collection Vol 1

1 Fun stuff: apparent old header: Wingom: From the looks of the site, it appears that it is a Mobile Trading Card Game (Using Augmented Reality). Also looks like it

Comments from members who lost in the final audition for Miyamoto Amon produced musical ”Whiz”


Comments from members who lost in the final audition for Miyamoto Amon produced musical ”Whiz” Nakaya Sayaka Nakayan’s blog Today I joined the final audition of “Whiz ~ the wizard of Oz”

Finalist of Miyamoto Amon produced Musical ‘Oz’ selected!


“ Miyamoto Amon produced musical, finalists have been selected!!!!! Umeda Ayaka from team KSaito Makiko from SKE48 KKSNakamura Mariko from team 4Nakaya Sayaka from team AMasuda Yuka from team BYamamoto

Milky will make team B debut on June 29?? (and 3 other topics on Haruka’s nickname, Umechan and munch munch Miichan)


Finally Milky make team B debut!? From AKB official blog June 29 2012 Theater no Megami Stage Cast: Ishida Haruka, Kasai Tomomi, Kitahara Rie, Kobayashi Kana, Sato Amina, Sato Sumire,