There’s something about beautiful girls cosplaying as bad-ass Anime characters that appeal and grab attention. Check it out some of your favorite idols look rebellious as they are dressed as
Archive for Kizaki Yuria (木﨑ゆりあ) by AKB48WrapUp • Kizaki Yuria (木﨑ゆりあ)

AKB48 Members Top10: All Natural AKB48 Beauties
17AKB48 is full of natural-born beauties. While basically all of them use makeup to enhance their beauties and overall look, a fair number of them are gifted with a complete

AKB48 36th Single “Labrador Retriever” CD covers and PV digest made public!
22All 4 (A,K,B,4) types of Labrador Retriever CD jacket covers were made public today, each with the Limited and Regular editions. If you’re thinking of purchasing the singles, please note

SKE48 Mukaida Manatsu’s graduation message in a form of a special message to Yuria fans
3Will SKE48 fans be able to dodge the most devastating scenario for Yuria, who is undeniably the center of attention as Grand Reformation is just around the corner. I don’t (and can’t)

SKE48 Kizaki Yuria’s heavenly photo thread!!!
15I love Yuria so much it’s troubling. What should I do? >> I understand >> I don’t know which one is Yuria in the previous Photo >> but it’s clear

Kizaki Yuria plans to move to Tokyo after graduating HS, and other random news!
18Tgsk: “Girls are practicing hard for their Under appearance at team B’s show.” — AKB48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) September 2, 2013 Paruru:We have members from other teams for the first time.

Please give me picture of members being lovey-dovey with each other!!!
41PLEASE! Give me picture of members being lovey-dovey ♡ with each other!!! You might be interested in these articles: SKE48 Kizaki Yuria’s heavenly photo thread!!! (o´▽`o) Let’s share the cutest

Maeda Atsuko’s fail at ribbon cutting ceremony at Chloe’s 60th anniversary [3 topics]
161. SKE48 Kizaki Yuria’s message to graduating Ogiso Shiori: “Our bond will never end” 2. Maeda Atsuko’s fail at ribbon cutting ceremony at Chloe’s 60th anniversary. 3. SNH48’s Mayuyu look alike failed

JKT48 Nakagawa Haruka, SKE48 Sato Seira won’t run for the election this year
13There have been variety of reactions from members regarding to this year’s election system, where one must publicly declare their will to participate in the election battle in order to

Can you make it through these Kissing GIFs of AKB members without having your mind blown?
11One AKB48 Ota completed a mind-blowing project and shared the result of his work on an internet forum. The project: Making Gif Animation of Kiss Scenes of all 149 members

Yagami Kumi photo Matsuri starts again!!!!
8” As a stater, I share some photos but you gotta also share yours! ” ” ” Hula Hoop Kuumin Body AttacKuumin!! ” ” Kuumin in various faces ” UG

AKB48 大握手会&写真会 (Handshake and 2Shot Event) ~4th Album 1830m~ Day three
92 Shot Photos from AKB48 4th Album “1830m”, theater version’s bonus, Handshake event @Tokyo Bigsite, Sep 2, 2012, 9:00am~ Details: King Records Official Homepage ■Cast: All members from AKB, SKE,

Under Girls “次のSeason”, a Coupling song to AKB48 28th Single Uza, announced
3” Whoa. this completely the same as the prediction of AKB fans ”

TV Recap – Kitahara Rie テラスハウス 1st Episode
10※The video is on the final page ” ” Anut Stella’s cookie lol ” As expected of Yuria. ” LOL’d I LOL’d so hard She is too cute. ” …..

How about creating a new subunit with Yagami Kumi and Kizaki Yuria?
7” If they form a unit something like PUFFY or HALCALI, I think it will be fantastic for fans!! ” Something very laid-back, airhead type of unit? I think it

Sneak preview of SKE48 Members Love Confession scenes in upcoming AKB 1/149 Ren’ai Sousenkyo
3Total 800K copies sold game franchise “AKB1/48” will release it’s 3rd installment this year. This time all of regular members of AKB48’s sister group, totaled 149 members, join the game, which means