- 2: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:02:39.98 ID:go2ccS7k0
- 今日のAKB48劇場公演にて
- At the AKB48 theatre today. (12/11/12)
- 1: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:02:07.66 ID:go2ccS7k0
- ゆきりんがゆいはんを風呂でレズるそうです
I heard that Yukirin engaged in lesbian activities with Yuihan in the bath.
- 3: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:03:57.15 ID:go2ccS7k0
「何してるんですか?」と言われ「いや~運動したから汗臭くなっちゃって~」などと弁明。There is figure which we can peek at of Yuihan undressing while ‘haha’ing.Once she has finished undressing she goes to the shower.We then see the figure of her showering.Yuihan notices something and draws back the curtains, where Yukirin was standing.“What’re you doing?” says Yukirin. “Well, I got back from exercising and wanted to clean myself up,” were among other things that were used as an excuse.2012年11月12日 – 9:55pm
- 4: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:04:26.92 ID:yfk+5lor0
382:名無しさん@実況は禁止です 11/12(月) 21:21 jhXh25FnO
・ゆきりんはゆいはんに恋するガチレズ。ゆいはんのシャワーシーンあり!Eien Pressure PV:・Song in general; mediocre pop similar to Gingham Check.・Setting; Girls dormitory, where new girls battle for the centre position.・Paruru appears in most of it. Pleasant friends of Kanon, Mariko & Moeno.・Naturally, good parts from Yukirin and Mariko in the drama bit.・Yukirin seriously falls in love with Yuihan. There’s a scene of Yuihan in the shower!
- 6: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:05:47.98 ID:go2ccS7k0
@****: じゃんけん選抜ぱるるセンター「永遠プレッシャー」MV初公開。
ぱるる崖から転げ落ちるシーンあるけど「あれは私じゃないので安心して」と本人談Premiere of the MV of ‘Eien Pressure’ with winner of the Janken tournament, Paruru in the centre position.Paruru with her Comedy Drama touch. There’s a scene with Yuihan undressing and showering.Peeking at Yuihan is Yukirin, the hentai senior. Moeno and Kanon also stood out.There’s a scene of Paruru falling off a cliff, but she said, “It’s not me that’s falling so don’t get worried.”
- 427: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 21:49:58.01 ID:B2OxyKe70
B公演終わりました。29th「永遠プレッシャー」のPVが初公開。高橋栄樹監督。長野の山奥で撮影。一人だけアラブの女王様みたいだった麻里子がボスを務める女子寮に新人のはるかがやってきて、山頂に咲いてる「戦多(せんたー)」という花を取りに行く物語でした。Team B theatre performance is over. PV of the 29th single “Eien pressure” was revealed. Director: Takahashi Eiki. Filmed at the mountain recesses of Nagano. Mariko was an Arab-queen-looking boss of the girls’ dorm, where Haruka is a newbie coming in, shining brilliantly at the top after some battle.
- 432: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 21:52:34.83 ID:07U+tW4T0
- ツイ情報
ゆきりんが由依はんとお風呂入ろうとする怪しい役だったんだけど「これ拡散して下さい!私は由依ちゃんの事が好きな先輩の役なんです!」って釈明してたwwwTwitter info:A lot happned, but the main thing was the revealing of the new MV of Eien Pressure!Yukirin played a weird role where she was trying to go into the shower with Yuihan. “Please spread this around! I play a role of a senior that has fallen in love with Yui-chan!” was how Yukirin explained. LOLOLOL
- 7: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:06:18.98 ID:4DZB6aoK0
- 戦多(センター)うーんこの
- 8: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:06:23.33 ID:LlPatOQC0
- ギンガムっぽい曲なら期待できる
- If the song is like Gingham Check, I will be looking forward to it.
- 10: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:06:25.58 ID:C1T4qEfk0
- 本当に久々に朗報じゃん
もうしょーもない監督にMV取らせるなってマジで - Good news in a long time for sure.
- Jeez, having the MV being directed by a useless director…
- 12: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:06:41.39 ID:4XTfcmj00
- >・曲自体はギンガム系の凡庸なポップ
何がアカンのですか - >mediocre pop similar to Gingham Check.
- What’s wrong with that?
- 13: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:06:56.78 ID:Ruel2JxU0
- ミリオンいくかね?
- I wonder if this’ll reach a million copies.
- 14: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:07:05.07 ID:LlPatOQC0
- ついに由依はんヌードか 期待大
- Finally, the nude of Yuihan? I’m bloody excited!
- 15: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:08:12.80 ID:go2ccS7k0
- ゆきりんから百合りんへ
- 16: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:08:27.78 ID:9xo4J8p40
- これは普通に楽しみかも
- This’ll probably be ordinarily fun.
- 18: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:08:58.25 ID:ToPAJvUe0
- 横山とゆきりんさ配役が逆だと思うの
でも逆にしたらノンフィクションになっちゃうの - I think that the roles of Yokoyama and Yukirin are reversed.
- But making the roles reversed has made it into non-fictional.
19: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:09:09.94 ID:5NdsiEwk0
10000000万枚買ったI bought 10 billion copies!
20: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:09:44.15 ID:xJEpSFVZ0
Having Takahashi Eiki as the director really assures me.
33: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:20:39.39 ID:TVQe3GZS0
Summarising the roles:
- Haruka – Shimazaki Haruka – New student, going up a mountain to shine at the top by taking a flower called the “Senta” (Centre, Kanji = “sen” + “ta” = battle + many)
- Queen Mariko – Shinoda Mariko – Boss of the girls’ dormitory; looks like an Indian princess
- Yuki – Kashiwagi Yuki – Can’t handle her love for Yui, her junior. She continues to draw closer to Yui.
- Yui – Yokoyama Yui – Japanese-styled beauty that everyone looks up to.
- Johyou no Tomomi (female leopard Tomomi) – Itano Tomomi – Watchman of the Mountain?
- Friendly resident – Moeno
- Witch – Kanon
- Young residents trio: Miyu, Komariko, Abema
- Hippy – A~min
- And others, whose parts didn’t stand out (to me).
Uchida Mayumi 11/12 23:15
The PV of Eiein Pressure was shown today!
There was the rock! Where Paruru was going up the mountain! Don’t miss that part!!!
Uchida Mayumi 11/12 23:16
I mean after all, there’s nothing but rocks in that scene!!
I mean after all, there’s nothing but rocks in that scene!!