More or less everyone’s faces when #1 got announced! 荻野由佳ちゃんが速報1位入りした時のAKB劇場の驚きw #NGT48 #荻野由佳 #柏木由紀 #AKB総選挙2017 — ゆっきぃ(Re:) (@yu_ki_48_mk2) May 31, 2017 速報1位、55,061票、荻野由佳!!ゆきりんの表情でその衝撃をお楽しみ下さい。 — ataru@ぶちかました13期 (@ataru_mix) May 31, 2017 昨年の速報1位票数:42,034今年の速報1位票数:55,061
Archive for AKB48 by AKB48WrapUp • AKB48

AKB48 49th single Preliminary Sousenkyo Results Out – NGT48’s Ogino Yuka robbed the top spot for now!
Sousenkyo 2016 Final Results – AKB48 45th Single Senbatsu – Sashihara Rino takes the Top Spot consecutively for the first time!
11#1 Sashihara Rino – 243,011 votes.#AKB48選抜総選挙 #指原莉乃 — 48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) June 18, 2016 A freakish coincidence? Sasshi's votes: 243,011 Read backwards1位をさしに MIND BLOWN — crescentsaber (@crescentsaber) June 18, 2016

AKB48 45th single Preliminary Sousenkyo Results Out – Watanabe Mayu claims 1st for the first time!
1Related: AKB48 2013 32nd single Preliminary Election Results Released! Sashihara Rino claims the top spot!!! AKB48 2014 37th single Preliminary sousenkyo result is out – Sashihara Rino takes the top

[Opinion] The Closure of Hello!Online
4In case you haven’t heard – arguably the (most?) popular tracker for Idol related video / audio content has been made inactive as of a few hours ago. So if

Fans pick: Next wave of young AKB48 talent that you can’t take your eyes off of!
7Tell the world one young AKB48 member that really gets you every time you see her on social media or in music video, perforamnce or w/e! Next wave of young

48G Members Top Ten: Variety Queens
18When AKB48 is discovered by somebody for the first time, it’s usually because of a video clip found on Youtube or some other place online that showcases the girls doing

20-year-old Yamada Marina looks like a triplet along with 14-year-old duo Tanaka Miku and Yabuki Nako
1She is 20, meaning she can legally drink alcohol in Japan. During MC talk, Sakaguchi Riko revealed that Mariri, 20, got drunk when they were drinking together and screamed in

Yamada Nana reunites with her first love in kindergarten, tells him her feelings for him
0Former NMB48 Yamada Nana reunited with her first love during kindergarten, told her feelings for him and EXCHANGED LINE CONTACTS

Wingom’s Instant Japanese Lessons: 2 – Giving and Receiving
0I’m going to give you all brief overview of three useful verbs in Japanese: あげる (ageru), もらう (morau) and くれる (kureru). Basic meanings: Ageru: when you do something for someone

Sanrio Hello Kitty vs Funasshi vs HKT48 Sashihara Rino – Who is the most famous in Japan?
0Hello Kitty – 89.0% Funasshi – 89.0% Sashihara Rino – 80.9% (of respondents know her)

SKE48 Matsui Jurina gets cozy with Okazaki city's Yuruchara (Yuru-character) 'Okazaemon' at The Mucic Day
0Matsui Jurina is spotted sporting “Okazaemon” badge on the collar of her costume and keychain on her head Okazamon, representing Okazaki, Aichi, and SKE48, representing Nagoy, teamed up for ‘Coquettish

AKB48’s 41st Single “Halloween Night” first public performance at Music Day 2015
27So this is it, Halloween Night ( ハロウィン ナイト ), “the song” to answer the extraordinary efforts of fans of the 272 members who applied to be in the running

0Renacchi-byo(れなっち病): A type of interpersonal behavior that was made famous by AKB48 Kato Rena. It is sometimes contagious. Renacchi-byo patients display a strong urge to kiss nearby people of the