#1 Sashihara Rino – 243,011 votes.#AKB48選抜総選挙 #指原莉乃 pic.twitter.com/QhrH44lW1U — 48WrapUp (@AKB48WrapUp) June 18, 2016 A freakish coincidence? Sasshi's votes: 243,011 Read backwards1位をさしに MIND BLOWN — crescentsaber (@crescentsaber) June 18, 2016
Archive for Featured by AKB48WrapUp • Featured

Sousenkyo 2016 Final Results – AKB48 45th Single Senbatsu – Sashihara Rino takes the Top Spot consecutively for the first time!
AKB48’s 41st Single “Halloween Night” first public performance at Music Day 2015
27So this is it, Halloween Night ( ハロウィン ナイト ), “the song” to answer the extraordinary efforts of fans of the 272 members who applied to be in the running

On her 21st birthday, Kashiwagi Yuki states her goal for her solo debut: ”I want to polish my performance skills.”
0On July 15th at Yokohama Blitz, Kashiwagi Yuki, a member of the popular idol group AKB48, made an appearance at the celebratory release event of the AKB48 subunit French Kiss’s

(WrapUp) Kashiwagi Yuki to make Solo Debut
0“ It says “please turn on glow sticks when Birthday Surprise segment starts” I heard the color of glow sticks varies according to the position of your seat and when

MariAtsu: Maeda Atsuko x Shinoda Mariko
0“ This is fan thread to support Maeda Atsuko and Shinoda Mariko. Now only one and half month is left before Atsuko’s graduation. By all means, we will keep this thread

(WrapUp) Maeda Atsuko Seitansai 2012
0Previous post: Acchan only makes partial appearance in her last Seitansai for being in bad condition ↓ ↓ “ Oh come on!! It looks like Acchan’s on the Stage!!! “ NNnnnNNNNNNNNACCCHANNNNNNN!!!!

Let’s Share Your Favorite pictures of SKE48!!
1“ Can we share our personal favorite pictures of SKE48 here? I’m glad if you help this thread. “ “ Personally, I think this picture is one of the best.

Tell me your Best Favorite Costume of 48 Groups!
0“ Honestly sometimes I’m more interested in their costumes than members themselves…. “ Among recent songs, I love Kataomoi Finally the best!! “ A1st’s Lolicon costume! “ “ MARIA. All

Quiet Shimada Haruka…. (Joke Post)
3““Give it everything” Kojima-san““Cute” Sashiko““Always get laugh” Takamina““Butting in everything” Yukirin““You’re beautiful ~~♪” Miichan“↑LOL That not follows the rule of this thread!! (Describe someone totally opposite to her true personality)““Bright eyes” Takahashi Juri““Talkative”

AKB48: Members who look the most beautiful in Yukata
3“ Kojiharu “ Hata-san “ I clearly remember Fuuchan looked so nice in Yukata. “ Hey man, you are surprisingly like me. “ I think Yukata looks authentic when is

Kojima Haruna to Star Upcoming Midnight Drama Series ‘Megutan’ from 7th July
0It’s announced AKB48 member Kojima Haruna (24) will appear in the upcoming mid-night TV Drama “Megutan tte Mahou Tsukaeruno?” (starts from 7th) as a main charater, Megu, who is a and “natural airhead” and “underachiever”

Back to the basic: Sashihara Rino (2008)
0This thread was written originally from Apr to Aug in 2008.She made her first stage appearance in Mar 1 2008 as a back dancer in B3rd Pajama Drive. In August

Welcome to team B, Milky♥: Namba’s angle Watanabe Miyuki (Milky) debuted team B
0Nishiyama Kyoko Anatamo Kyoude Milky Oshi!! Hora team B!! “Milky!!”(From today, you’re Milky Oshi, hora team B~ “Milky!!”) Nishiyama Kyoko Thank to everyone, we successfully finished Milky’s team B debut Stage, Theater no

Watanabe Miyuki (Milky) made ‘team B’ debut!
0Nishiyama Kyoko on G+ AKB48 theater on June 29 (Fri)\(^o^)/In Team B Theater no Megami (Goddess of Theater) Stage,…..Mi…. Mi…. Milky made her first appearance!! “Milky “I will give it

How did you become AKB Ota / Fan? Share your story with us!
26“ I’ve got interested in AKB48 from Mariko-sama in the TV Ad of So-net. As soon as I watched the commercial, I searched it to find out who’s this girl.

Don’t you think Sayanee and Milky is the most awesome pair?
0“What do you think?“Nana, who has been supporting the 2 girls, is the most awesome member!!!“Absolutely true. SayaMilNana is the best.Their expression ability is by far excellent!!““Sayanee, Milky and Nana.