AKB48 is full of natural-born beauties. While basically all of them use makeup to enhance their beauties and overall look, a fair number of them are gifted with a complete
Archive for Yamamoto Sayaka (山本彩) by AKB48WrapUp • Yamamoto Sayaka (山本彩)

Yamamoto Sayaka caught pulling a funny face when she drunk bitter green juice that Milky gave her.
0“I saw Milky giving a juice to Sayanee. She was grinning. I wondered why. Turned out the cucumber-based juice had a terrible taste. You can see how awful that was

AKB48′s Most Admired Members among Team 8 members
3Eariler this week, Saruoba uploaded photos of all of Team 8 members to her Google+ account, and asked each of them to name one of a few AKB48 members whom

Which member will announce her graduation during 2014 AKB48 Tokyo Dome Concerts?
19As I tweeted earlier, this year’s AKB48’s Tokyo Dome Concert is titled “No, D — Don’t Do it, Don’t Announce Your Graduation!”. Which naturally leads fans to speculate not just

Top 10 Most Erotic AKB48 members
35Sexiness undoubtedly plays a big part in selling magazines in Japan. If you visit any convenient stores in Japan, it’s just common sense that you’ll find countless of girls in

Why these NMB48 members rank in 37th single Sousenkyo preliminary result and who should have ranked?
23NMB48 Theater Manager – Kaneko Takeshi- apologizes for the low amount of members that are ranked this year as part of his responsibility. In response to Mr.Kaneko Takeshi’s speech about

JKT48 5th Single announced & will hold Sousenkyo for 6th single, 3rd Gen finalists revealed (and many more)
34Hello everyone let me introduce my self, I’m Afit & i’ll be your new contributor for AKB48WrapUp, especially for JKT48 related news (and of course other sister group too) During

AKB48 Insomnia – Daily Night Randomness
6AKB48 girls exhibited some real fabulousness on AKBINGO February 11 episode. Kanon: “Hey… Do you want to see… (something)??” Sweet….<3 Sayanee: “I CAN’T HOLD MY PEE ANYMORE!!!!!” Takamina: “Midnight Explosion!!” #X-rated Naachan:

Takamina to sing a duet with Acchan (In Domoto), and to cook hot pot with Tomochin (In Mujack)!
3Team N’s captain and 48G’s rising star Yamamoto Sayaka (left) and her teammate Sutou Ririka Team N’s first and only draft pick, Suto Ririka, sent a text message to team’s captain

NMB48 is looking for a guitarist, HKT48’s surprise announcement, Winter olympics Manatsu and more!
1Shimazaki, happy birthday! Please try your best as the self-proclaimed sexy specialist. With that being said, you’re still 13 years old. How young. Get well soon, then show us your

NMB48 Yamamoto Sayaka denies rumor that she’s dating ONE OK ROCK vocalist Takahiro
23Don’t go believing reports that Yamamoto Sayaka has been dating rock band One Ok Rock’s frontman Takahiro. Earlier today, gossip magazine Cyzo reported that 20-year old leader of Osaka-based idol

AKB48 x Japan Red Cross’ New Campaign
5Japan Red Cross together with AKB48 launched their new JOIN! Campaign today along with the launch of three new commercials, starring Jurina Matsui (AKB&SKE), Rena Matsui (SKE), Watanabe Mayu (AKB),

Please give me picture of members being lovey-dovey with each other!!!
41PLEASE! Give me picture of members being lovey-dovey ♡ with each other!!! You might be interested in these articles: SKE48 Kizaki Yuria’s heavenly photo thread!!! (o´▽`o) Let’s share the cutest

3 topics: AKB48 Hirata Rina encountered Anti in person at handshake event
61. AKB48 Hirata Rina encountered Anti in person at handshake event 2. Amazing way Sashihara Rino makes Murashige Anna’s shoes way cooler 3. Coincidence? There is a song called “Anti”, a
4 topics: Watanabe Mayu’s 2nd photobook will be released on April 19th
51. Watanabe Mayu’s 2nd photobook will be released on April 19th 2. HKT48 Murashige Anna is concered about her position as the upcoming comedienne Tani Marika gain popularity 3. Guess

48G Members celebrate Tano Yuka’s 16th birthday!
4Tano Yuka, Shinoda team A member turned 16 today. Happy Birthday, Tanochan!! See how she is loved by members beyond the groups!! Tanochan updated her G+ seconds after or the