AKB48 13th Gen Iwatate Saho aka Sahhoo shows her humanity for her fan who wants to Commit Suicide

Can your heart stand the stunning beauties of these AKB48 girls???

AKB48 Tano Yuka flashes her rock solid abs during ANN broadcast

There’re So Many Photos That Prove AKB48 Kato Rena Is A Serial Kisser

Archive for November 2012 by AKB48WrapUp  •  November 2012 

(Short Random News) AKB Jidousha-Bu Okinawa Special, HKT48 MV, JKT48, NY


http://www.fujitv.co.jp/b_hp/doshinya/index.html A 1 hour Okinawa Special for the show AKB Jidousha-Bu (Driving/Automobile club) will air on the 24th at time, 25:55 to 26:55. (So actually 25th at 1:55am) On HKT48’s

New PV for ‘Eien Pressure’ shown at theatre! Director is Takahashi Eiki


2: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:02:39.98 ID:go2ccS7k0 今日のAKB48劇場公演にて At the AKB48 theatre today. (12/11/12) 1: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:02:07.66 ID:go2ccS7k0 ゆきりんがゆいはんを風呂でレズるそうです  I heard that Yukirin engaged in lesbian activities with Yuihan in the bath.

(News) Yukirin Solo Debut Date & Starring in a Drama & Own Record Label


(News) HKT’s 1st Single & Kasai Tomomi’s Solo Work


AKB48’s Music Video Request 2012 Results out!


New Team A “Waiting Stage” Setlist


Nice, Totally better than K Skirt Hirari was performed by Almost same members as they did in Kohaku? It does look team A’s theater performance   Shinoda and Takamina made this setlist.