2: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:02:39.98 ID:go2ccS7k0 今日のAKB48劇場公演にて At the AKB48 theatre today. (12/11/12) 1: 名無しさん@実況は禁止です 2012/11/12(月) 22:02:07.66 ID:go2ccS7k0 ゆきりんがゆいはんを風呂でレズるそうです I heard that Yukirin engaged in lesbian activities with Yuihan in the bath.
Archive for Kimoto Kanon (木本花音) by AKB48WrapUp • Kimoto Kanon (木本花音)

AKB Members who have Flawless Skin
16” Wasamin! ” This must be Kaoru-kun! (Mitsumune Kaoru) ” Of course, the No.1 Ugly-Cute girl of 48 group, Maachun!!! ※Ogasawara Mayu ” It’s time for the stealth marketing of Yukko!! ※Kinoshita

Under Girls “次のSeason”, a Coupling song to AKB48 28th Single Uza, announced
3” Whoa. this completely the same as the prediction of AKB fans ”

AKB48 MVs that have the best appearance of each member
13” Please share your opinion following the form below. (Member’s name) shines the most in (Song’s name)’s MV You choice is limited to MVs. ” Meetan was shining the most

Sneak preview of SKE48 Members Love Confession scenes in upcoming AKB 1/149 Ren’ai Sousenkyo
3Total 800K copies sold game franchise “AKB1/48” will release it’s 3rd installment this year. This time all of regular members of AKB48’s sister group, totaled 149 members, join the game, which means

Summary of Member Comment towards 2nd Reformation of AKB [2/3]
2Continuing…. ‘ “While everyone is making fuss, Pre-Order of 28th Single has secretly? started lol -This time, it’s “Cool” AKB!!https://plus.google.com/u/0/117760029816432300689/posts/73MmG8a3gLz“ ‘ ‘ ‘ “There’s one thing I gotta say….

Episodes of AKB members that surprised you when you first heard about them.
0“Kuramochi’s dad was a professional baseball player. “Sashihara-san is/was sexually aggressive. “The moment that I discovered that one of the members lives in my neighborhood (about 30m if you measure

Majisuka Gakuen 3 (マジすか学園3) EP01 “They’re also serious here as well” ~Thoughts and Impressions~
0“Shimada Uruse~yo! (Shut up!) “ “So Kitahara even didin’t have a name for her character!?She is “a female prisoner” in the ending credit lol “So who will play a

Why Kimoto Kanon-chan wears a cardigan in Future Girls Swimsuits Gravure….
0“ As we already know, Moemo has such a nice figure~! “ I’ve never seen Kanon-chan’s decent swimsuits body yet…. “ She never reveal her Bikini body…… Even if she

Things we learned from NHK’s radio program ”AKB三昧”
0Related post: NHK’s executive producer Mr. Ishihara is Ota….! “The reason Takamina and Kojiharu accidentally wore the same private clothes is not because Takamana improved her taste of fashion, but Kojiharu’s taste has degraded.

The Main Cast of AKB48’s Majisuka 3 has been Identified!
0Majisuka 3 Team Habu This time, girls get out of schools and the new Drama set in the JAIL!! AKB48’s new generation, team 4 plays the central role of this

(Results) SKE48 Preliminary contest for 2012 Janken tournament in Nagoya (and 3 other topics on Unagi in Taiwan, Sashiko and Majisuka3)
0Yuasa Hiroshi AKB48 29th Single Senbtasu Janken tournament, SKE48 preliminary contest.Now all matches has finished. Team S: Nakanishi Yuuka, Hiramatsu KanakoTeam Kll: Sato Seira, Sato MiekoTeam E: Kobayashi Ami, Takagi

Which do you choose as your little sister, SKE48 Kanon-chan, HKT48 Sakura-tan
0“So which do you want to be your little sister???SKE Kimoto Kanon HKT Miyawaki Sakura “ Kanon-chan!! “ Sakura-chan!! “ I would choose Ego Yuna-chan (SKE 5gen)!!! “ Please feel

Pictures that make you instantly understand how awesome SKE is
0“So…. give me pictures that make me instantly understand where I should focus on when I see each member.As long as they are related to SKE, I don’t mind teams and gender.Please

AKB48 – General Election ‘Future Girls’ Speeches
0(Note: I, Wingom, used first name then last name)This was originally from my blog http://wingom.livejournal.com/9854.html (but this version is slightly newer)Source for images :http://nikkan-spa.jp/227862FUTURE GIRLS (64th to 49th) 64th – Mika Komori

Is Hilary Chihou-gumi member? (and 4 other stories on 13gen’s 6-months anniv, Shiichan, Tomu and Micha)
0Is Hilary Chihou-gumi member??? Note: Chihou-gumi is originally a group of 4gen members who come from prefectures far from Tokyo. 5 original members of Chihou-gumi are Rino Sashihara, Shizuka Ohya,