Is Hilary Chihou-gumi member???
Note: Chihou-gumi is originally a group of 4gen members who come from prefectures far from Tokyo. 5 original members of Chihou-gumi are Rino Sashihara, Shizuka Ohya, Yuuka Nakanishi, Mayu Tomita and Rie Kitahara. Literal translation of Chihou-gumi is “Regional Group”. 12 gen members also have their own Chihou-gumi consists of 2 members, Rina Hirata (Arizona) and Karen Iwata (Sendai).
Rino Sashihara on G+
I’m often asked who my favorite junior member is.
That is a tough question. I don’t have any favorites. I like all the junior members.Members that I am close to… The names that come to my mind are Joe, Paruru and Hilary. I also think I am close to Milky. I talk a lot with Da~Su~. It’s a tough question.
Rina Hirata “Hi I’m Hilary!!”
Rina Hirata “Yay! I’m so happy♡”
Rino Sashihara “Though I’m not DD (DD: I like whatever members I know)”
Rいno Sashihara “I’m close to Kanon-chan, too.”
Rina Hirata “(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(*゚∀゚)(#^^#) “
Ami Maeda “I think you forgot to name me~~”
X Miruki
I think Yokoyama is not someone she considers as a junior, but rather a friend. She once talked that “Chihou-gumi are not members but my friends.”
Komori and Yokoyama are Chihou-gumi, not my junior….. ←This is complicating.
Rina Hirata “Hilary is also Chihou-gumi!!!!”
LOL When did you become Chihou-gumi??? You are “next generation”‘s Chihou-gumi ^^
I have a mixed feeling about considering Hilary as Chihou-gumi member……
Photo Collage Maestro Micha
Misato Nonaka on G+
I made the photo collage again. ♪
Jurina is there too. (´˘`)♡Rina Hirata “It’s awesome!!”
Manatsu Mukaida “Awesome~~~~♪”
Maria Abe “It’s awesome !!”
I love this Tanamin!!!
Team K is awesome!!!
Sae Miyazawa on G+
Micha, this is awesome~~~~!! I saved it!!(((o(゚▽゚)o)))
Reina Fujie “Me, too~~~!!”
Micha “Thank you♡”
What amazing about her photo collage is… she chooses really good expressions of members!!
That’s because they are teammates!
Micha is really on the move :))
As always Tomu reacted to Tano-chan in a plain way
Tomu Mutoh on G+
After school, I did a training in the studio til a little before now (^^)
Before I knew it, it already passed the time when I am allowed to send AKB mobile mail…(_ _;)
I’m sorry( _)
Because when I left the studio, it’s raining outside, and I run under rain, I got wet to the skin ( .;)Nana Fujita “You really work hard ∩・o・∩ “
Tomu Mutoh “Nana-san☆ Thank you so much (^^)”
I love this photo.
Her comment and photo somehow conveys me her stoical personality.
Yuka Tano “I’m alone in a hotel room tonight(..)”
Tomu Mutoh “Okay lol Good luck~~~☆!”
LOL What a plain reaction…….. as always.
Caution! It’s a snake photo
Shizuka Ohya on G+
6-month anniversary of 13gen’s debut stage
Ryouka Oshima on G+
Today is the memorial day that we mark 6-month anniversary of 13gen’s debut stage!!!
I remembered this a little while ago in a toilet(–;)
A half year…
Time flies….
Nana Fujita “Toilet?? (・o・) Congratulation!!”
Moe Aigasa(13gen) “Congratulation to 13gen for 6-month anniversary!!! By the way, we were at the same toilet a little while ago… lol”
Yui Yokoyama “Congratulation!! And… Keep close to each other~\(//∇//)\”
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