I’ll take a hiatus from 755 for the time being. I want to value a healthy distance from my fans from now on. I will stay on Instagram and Mobame,
Archive for Shimada Haruka by AKB48WrapUp • Shimada Haruka

Behind the scenes of Sousenkyo: Shimada Haruka sobs into Nagao Mariya’s shoulder as Nagao embraces her tightly
[TV Recap] Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku · Kojiharu: instead of poo, rabbit comes out!
7First of all, on behalf of the AKB48WrapUp Staff I’d like to apologize for the inactivity for the past few months or so. We’ve been so busy with our own

Virtual Handshake: Can you make it through 20 virtual handshakes with the cute AKB members?
8Today AKB48 held handshake event for UZA (nationwide) at Makuhari Messe, Chiba. There were a bit of unfortunate accidents during handshake session. However, thanks to kind staffs, the majority of fans,

Request Hour Setlist Best 100 DVD & Blu Ray get release! Contains “Hashire Penguin” Music Video
4AKB48 “request hour set list best 100 2013” DVD goes on sale! ! AKB48 just announced that this year’s Request Hour, which was held at TOKYO DOME CITY from January

Team 4 fans can make “Hashire Penguin” to win the top 25 spot for upcoming Request Hour 2013?
12” Honestly I’m no team 4 Ota but the team that has been endeavoring will disappear after the 2nd reformation. To leave a trace that AKB48 team 4 did exist before,

AKB48 Members photos that are reminiscent of Cats
8” Let’s have a fun and grin weirdly together! ” Then again, a thread for Paruru… Members who have cat like eyes would be…. Paruru, Manatsu and Sassy? ” ↑I

Fanmade AKB members Singing ability ranking
20” If they’re in the same rank, the more left, the higher they ranked. Tentative ranking S: Masuda, Sato Natsuki A: Sayaka, Iwasa, Katayama B: Takamina, Takeuchi, Kojiharu, Minegishi, Kasai

Takahashi Juri’s Sentaisai, Surprise Birthday Cake present by Kawaei Rina and one more!
1. Today’s was Seitansai for my 15th birthday! It was great♥ I love you Kawaei-san! JuRicchan★ .

Happy A, Bacchikoi K, Wasshoi B and Enjoy 4! AKB48 Team 4 performed Enjoy 4 for the first time
8Enjoy 4!! ” Happy A, Bacchikoi K, Wasshoi B and Enjoy 4…..!! ” It was so much fun!! Team 4’s live concert in Ishikawa!!! 3!2!1!4! This song started from the

Summary of Member Comment towards 2nd Reformation of AKB [2/3]
2Continuing…. ‘ “While everyone is making fuss, Pre-Order of 28th Single has secretly? started lol -This time, it’s “Cool” AKB!!https://plus.google.com/u/0/117760029816432300689/posts/73MmG8a3gLz“ ‘ ‘ ‘ “There’s one thing I gotta say….

Team 4 girls help you overcome loss of appetite from summer lethargy!
3Mariyagi RanRan Haruu Minarun Ichikawa Miori aka Fresh Lemon Annin Renacchi Ricchan Tanochan Paruru Juri MiyuMiyu Karen Abemari

Akimoto Yasushi ‘I’ll start a new Study Abroad Program’
0Akimoto Yasushi 7/21 18:45Oh I remember this…I’m currently in a meeting with the AKB48 Overseas Team.We’ve decided to establish an “Study Abroad Program”.Like with Indonesia’s JKT48, Shanghai’s SHN48, Taiwan’s TPE48,

Majisuka Gakuen 3: Ep.2 “Nakama no Shirushi (The Sign of Camaraderie)”
1Majisuka Gakuen 3 (マジすか学園3) EP01 “They’re also serious here as well” ~Thoughts and Impressions~ “My thoughts on this week: ・Peace (Yuria) acting like a devotee was unpleasant.・Overall, it was disagreeable.・Tetsuo

Otona Yukirin♥ from Flash magazine (Adult beauty Yukirin) (and 3other topics on Shimada Bread, Sashiko, and Micha starring horror movie)
0Otona Yukirin♥ from Flash magazine (Adult beauty Yukirin) Shimada Haruka already sent her Gopan (bread making machine) to repair. Shimada HarukaI had sent my Gopan for repair. GOPAN修理に出してました。← When

Shimada Haruka Trying to make Homemade Bread vol.0
1This ado happened one week before Shimada’s name Uruse~yo in Majisuka3 has announcedRelated post: Shimada Haruka Trying to make Homemade Bread vol.1 “ Shimada Haruka 7/2 19:09UWAaaーー((((;゚Д゚)))))))!!!I ended up buying

Sashiko on Anime Sazae-san in FNS 27hour TV (and 4other stories on Renacchi’s Seitansai, Pachinko event, August single and Matsui Sakiko)
0Sashihara Rino will appear in Anime Sazae-san(サザエさん) as a voice actress in FNS 27hour TV(will be aired on 22th from 6:30PM) Impressed Tamori-san!! Sashiko on Sazae-san!! Sashiko is also excited!http://sankei.jp.msn.com/entertainments/news/120712/ent12071218580014-n1.htm