How to vote in 2015 AKB48’s 41st Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo

Ladies and gentlemen, please give me pictures of Shimazaki Haruka aka Paruru!

Fuuchan tweeted a photo of herself with a boy, surprised the hell out of fans who forgot to read caption

AKB48 Tano Yuka flashes her rock solid abs during ANN broadcast

Archive for Mitsumune Kaoru by AKB48WrapUp  •  Mitsumune Kaoru 

[ WrapUp Post ] AKB48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo Special and 6 more


On 14th of July (Sunday) 16:00 JST a special program [AKB48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo Special] will be broadcasted on NHK BS Premium. The show will feature various interesting scenes from the

Our lovely Tano Yuka suggests a new word to replace “釣り (Fish/Flirt)” [4 topics]


0. Our lovely Tano Yuka suggests a new word to replace “釣り (Fish)” 1. Kitagawa Kenji’s fail at SKE48 Budokan solo concert 2. JKT48 1st Album will go on sale in

Former AKB48 Mitsumune Kaoru modeling for popular fashion brand [5 topics – MV and Artwork for Kasai Tomomi’s 2nd single, etc]


1. Portraits of AKB48 members hung on the wall at theater’s lobby will go through total makeover 2. Usual stuff by 5th generation members LOL 3. Lovely Gag by HKT48

Members comments on Mitsumune Kaoru’s graduation + 1 more on Shinoda Mariko’s mini party with kids(?)


1. Shinoda Mariko’s mini party with kids(?) members 2. Members comments on Mitsumune Kaoru’s graduation 1/2 3. Members comments on Mitsumune Kaoru’s graduation 2/2 ” Okutama has become so hairy^^ Time

AKB48 Mitsumune Kaoru to withdraw from the group + 1 more on Oshima Yuko talks about Jurina



AKB Members who have Flawless Skin


” Wasamin! ” This must be Kaoru-kun! (Mitsumune Kaoru) ” Of course, the No.1 Ugly-Cute girl of 48 group, Maachun!!! ※Ogasawara Mayu ” It’s time for the stealth marketing of Yukko!! ※Kinoshita

Mitsumune Kaoru, Kasai Tomomi absent from events due to bad condition and 2 more


” By the way, the fliming that Mariko is on today is the one that will be chosen based on fan poll result? The one which will be contained in

Takahashi Juri’s Sentaisai, Surprise Birthday Cake present by Kawaei Rina and one more!


. Today’s was Seitansai for my 15th birthday! It was great♥ I love you Kawaei-san! JuRicchan★ .

Mitsumune Kaoru owned the portrait battle against Oshima Ryoka and Fujita Nana


” “圧力 (pressure)” LOL ” Mittsu’s counterattack LOL ” Pressure and Chibi….. LOL But can’t say any complaint as she is an awesome artist…. ” *ネ申 camp photo ” Naan

Battle between Fujita Nana and Oshima Ryoka: Who can draw the worst portrait?


” I…. can only sense malice from this picture…. ” ↑LOL I completely agree with you. ” Maestro Fujita’s painting will come out when people least expect it! ” Maybe

AKB48 vs SKE48, Hilarious Sexy Voice battle!!


“Ariyoshi SKE Kyowakoku  Ariyoshi: “Welcome to today’s show. This is Ariyoshi SKE Kyowakoku” Ariyoshi: “They look soooo fresh~” Kojiharu: “Who the hell is this skinny girl sitting next  to you!?”

Sentimental 1 KOMEDA at the night that Kaotan couldn’t make it…


“Kaotan… you talked more than you need to….Anyway, I can understand. Honestly you feel so frustrated by the fact you couldn’t get promoted…. “Now that we will be welcoming the

Mitsumune Kaoru won’t participate in all 3 days of TOKYO Dome concert due to bad health condition (and one more topic about Yukarun)


“Oh come on…. Tomorrow is the day when Mittu and Tomu’s promotion to team A will be announced…. “She has been getting so skinny lately. She has been busy with

Tomu! Kaoru! AKB KKS’s performance at Beijing was Freakin’ Cool!!! (AKB got the "best music group in Asia prize at CCTV’s festival")


” As I expected, Kenkyuusei’s performance always inspires us!! “ That’s great! When I saw this picture, I was about to think it was Ryochan being in Oshima’s position again,

Mitsumune, Kojima Natsuki, Takahashi Juri etc, junior members have responded to Study Abroad program


Oshima Yuko I want to Study Abroad! But, Europe or the US would be nice( ̄ー ̄) Murashige Annaロシアもいいですよ!(≧∀≦) “ Yuko has come━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! “I LOL’d because Yuko said it honestly… “Yeah…Yuko has

If there’s a closet lesbian inside the 48G, she would be in paradise on earth!


Because there are so many members in 48G, there must be a possibility, at least several members who are serial lesbians, I think? I heard someone has started a thread

Is it only me who is dreaming about AKB48 with Watanabe, Jurina, Yokoyama, Shimazaki, Yamamoto and Mitsumune in the center?


“If this is gonna be true, then AKB48 can battle once again. “How nice. “If it’s showy then I think it’s fine. “Watanabe means not only Mayuyu but also Milky.Captain