AKB48’s Koisuru Fortune Cookie, Global Flavour – Ready to Consume!

Akimoto Yasushi says “Love Ban Law is just a ‘fun thing’ to make 48G more captivating (and marketable)”

There’re So Many Photos That Prove AKB48 Kato Rena Is A Serial Kisser

AKB48 Tano Yuka flashes her rock solid abs during ANN broadcast

Archive for 5th General Election 2013 (5th Senbatsu Sosenkyo) by AKB48WrapUp  •  5th General Election 2013 (5th Senbatsu Sosenkyo) 

[ WrapUp Post ] AKB48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo Special and 6 more


On 14th of July (Sunday) 16:00 JST a special program [AKB48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo Special] will be broadcasted on NHK BS Premium. The show will feature various interesting scenes from the

The new AKB48? Sousenkyo 2013 Final Results, Sashihara Rino is the new center of AKB48!


So… as you should all know already by now, unchanged from the preliminary results last month, yesterday night (Japan time) at Nissan Stadium, Sashihara Rino (HKT48) was named the new

AKB48 2013 32nd single Preliminary Election Results Released! Sashihara Rino claims the top spot!!!


22nd of May 2013, 9pm AKB48’s Official Blog is updated with the preliminary count for the 32nd Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo, and to much surprise to everyone, Sashihara Rino, who ranked

Weekly Playboy Magazine’s AKB48 2013 32nd Single Senbatsu General Election prediction


Every year Weekly Payboy Magazine release their own forecast for AKB48 General Election, and it’s always convincing, coz, some of the best writers about AKB48 are behind the forecast. Yet, every time, their forecast is

AKB48 alumna Hirajima Natsumi aka Nacchan made come back to Google Plus!! [2 topics]


1. AKB48 alumna Hirajima Natsumi aka Nacchan made come back to Google Plus!! 2. You can be the designer of jacket artwork of Watanabe Mayu’s 4th single! As reported earlier, AKB

Portrait of Minegishi Minami with her hair grown back a little [2 topics]


1. Minegishi Minami on Women’s Magazine “Fujin Koron”‘s front cover 2. AKB48 Shinbun (published by Sponichi) presents prediction of AKB48 32nd single Senbatsu General Electio Cover of the upcoming issue of

Akimoto Sayaka to graduate AKB48 and won’t join the election race this year


Quick update (will add more details later) AKB48 Official Election page Earlier today, Akimoto Sayaka announced her graduation on her blog. Today is the deadline for the election. I was thinking about whether

Oshima Yuko, Sashihara Rino and Kashiwagi Yuki run for 2013 AKB48 32nd single Senbatsu General Election


We accepted Oshima Yuko’s election application as of 8:35am on April 6th. http://www.akb48.co.jp/sousenkyo/32ndsingle/detail.php?name=oshima_yuko We gonna see One on One battle between Yuko and Mayuyu!! Will she be a step ladder

Itano Tomomi hopes Shimazaki Haruka will become Center of AKB48


Yesterday, as team B and S held theater performance in their respective theaters, many of popular members submitted applications for the election 2013. Suda Akari, Ohya Masana and Kizaki Yuria,

JKT48 Nakagawa Haruka, SKE48 Sato Seira won’t run for the election this year


There have been variety of reactions from members regarding to this year’s election system, where one must publicly declare their will to participate in the election battle in order to

SKE48 Nakanishi Yuka struggling to make decision whether to run for the election or not


What’s the deal with this Candidacy system that is implemented in this year’s AKB48 general election? On one side it opens up a way members to express their passion and

Watanabe Mayu is the first AKB48 member who officially declares her candidacy for 2013 32nd Single Senbatsu Election


Around 7:00 pm on March 31, AKB48 member Watanabe Mayu submitted her application to run for 2013 AKB48 32nd single General Election. As little fans expected Mayuyu would decide her