[TV Recap] Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku · Kojiharu: instead of poo, rabbit comes out!

  December 4, 2013

131202 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep173

First of all, on behalf of the AKB48WrapUp Staff I’d like to apologize for the inactivity for the past few months or so. We’ve been so busy with our own private lives that managing the site has been pushed down from the list of our top priorities.

One of the staff members just graduated high school and is now starting 1st year of Uni, another one just recently moved to Japan for academic purposes, and one just got transferred to another city because of work commitments – and as you all know, Tommy is now taking over AKB48WrapUp’s Twitter account (and doing a pretty damn good job doing it, I should say!) and he seems to be very comfortable with micro-blogging (e.g. tweets) – so if you want the latest news from the 48 girls, don’t forget to follow our account!

As for this post, I just can’t pass out an episode as awesome as this (Akicha showed up! whoa!) so for you non-Japanese speakers, hopefully this episode can be more enjoyable paired with excerpts from this article 🙂

TV Recap – Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku (2013.12.02) – Shimada Haruka, Takajo Aki, Maeda Ami, Kojima Haruna

This week’s episode of Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku (episode 173) was graced by Akicha’s super-rare attendance! JKT48 fans out there, this is one episode you don’t want to miss! (video at the bottom of this post)

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Ariyoshi: It’s so rare to see Kojima-san being in the studio!
Kojiharu: Please stop say things like that!
(she didn’t appear for 2 weeks most probably due to Heart Eleki’s schedules)

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Kojiharu: Meanie! I’m sorry, ok!!!
Bottom of screen: Due to (adult’s) circumstances, she took holiday for 2 weeks

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Segment 1: The real truth about rumors (of members)

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Rumor 01: Shimada has a grudge against the costume staff

Last year at Tokyo Dome during Misora Hibari’s Memorial Concert, Sashihara who was supposed to perform had to rest because of a sudden illness, thus (Shimada’s) manager called Shimada straightaway and told her to prepare to be Sashihara’s replacement.

Shimada rushed and prepared herself, put make-up on, changed and just as she was leaving her house, the manager called her again and told her “I just realized that if it’s you (Shimada), I don’t think you’ll be able to fit into Sashihara’s costume” and at the end another member was chosen to replace Sashihara.

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By the way, the member that replaced Shimada on that day was Abe Maria.

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Shimada: It was really at the moment when I just got out of my house that the manager called me to tell me that I won’t fit into the costume – I was so shocked that I stayed back home for the rest of the day…

Few days after that, the concert was aired on television and I recorded it because I was curious on which position that Abe was dancing. It was a position just behind Maeda-san (Acchan)!!! And she got heaps of camera time!

It was such a good position that I kept wondering what if I was there, things might be different now (in terms of popularity)

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Ariyoshi: But looking at you now, I won’t exactly categorize you as “fat” – you’ve also lost a lot of weight compared to before, no?

Shimada: Well, compared to before, I definitely lost weight… but if you look at AKB48 as a whole, I don’t think I fit in the “slim” or “normal” category… so I’m probably just a little fat?

Ariyoshi: Aren’t you very similar to Kojiharu now that I’m looking at you both!?

Kojiharu: Now that you’ve said that, I also remembered something… When you talk about costumes, they’re usually worn by not only 1 member, but is passed around according to whoever fits it (size and mood)…

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Kojiharu: …so when I transferred to Team B, we had some costumes from Team 4 that we’re supposed to use.

When I realized, all the costumes that I’m supposed to wear were the ones that Shimada worn before!

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Shimada: Can I say something?
Actually, the costume I’m wearing now is the one that Kojiharu-san’s!!!

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Well… since both of your sizes are very similar, we can conclude that it’s either Shimada that’s actually NOT FAT, or it’s Kojiharu that’s actually FAT, right?

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Kojiharu: Maybe I’m fat after all!? ( ; _ ; )

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Rumor 02: Maeda Ami says inappropriate things on Google+

Maeda Ami posts weird, inappropriate things like “I’m going to do a number two (poo)” or “When Aamin was on a TV program, I farted a bit” on Google+ out of the blue.

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Aamin: *chuckles* but but… aren’t we all human? And humans do things like these right? So I thought that, it’s not really a bad thing to do all these things?

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Yeah, well, that’s true if you put it into that context… but you’re an idol after all, right?

As an idol, when you get asked by others “What comes out of your oshiri? (ass)“, you should answer “Gummy Candies

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Ariyoshi: By the way, what about you guys? What comes out of your oshiri?

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Shimada: In my case, it’s just normal poop that comes out.

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Ariyoshi: Noooooo, I told you that you can’t say things like that…!
London Hearts will always worry about you if you don’t do things like these properly!

( Shimada got grilled by Ariyoshi on November’s London Hearts Special )

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Ariyoshi: I’m sure you can do better than that, right Shimada?
So really, what comes out of your oshiri?

Shimada: Strawberries come out!

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Ariyoshi: Takajo, what about you?

Akicha: Edamame* comes out!

( * Edamame bean is a preparation of immature soybeans in the pod, found in the cuisine of China, Japan and Hawaii. The pods are boiled or steamed and served with salt. )

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Ariyoshi: What about Kojima-san?

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Ariyoshi: (@*&#(&@^)!*&@!( RABBITS?!?! Really?! RABBITS?!?!

Kojiharu: Yes…

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Ariyoshi: You’re not pooping but GIVING BIRTH if rabbits come out of there…!!!

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Kojiharu: I picked the wrong choice *nyannyan giggles*

Up to this part is by far the most hilarious part of the episode, I’ll leave it to your own discretion if you want to watch the whole thing, the video is at the bottom of this page.

Hope that made your day like it made mine!