Teaser of SKE’s 4th Album and MVs (Shor ver.) of SKE 10th Single “Kiss date Hidarikiki” released

  August 29, 2012

How To Start An Endermologie Cellulite Reduction Business rena matsui jurina” src=”http://www.akb48wup.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ske48-akb48-matsui-rena-matsui-jurina.jpg” alt=”” width=”400″ height=”601″ />

Kiss date Hidarikiki – Senbatsu  (Making Footage – JIJI)

Taiikukan de Chochoku o – Shirogumi

Tori ha Aoi Sora no Shougai o shiranai – Akagumi

It’s finally arrived!!!

Personally I think this single can stack up to or even better than 3rd single’s songs (Gomenne Summer).
But…maybe, Kiss date Hidarikiki is not as good as them. What do you think?

I’m stunned when I watched Akagumi’s song….!!
Why they don’t have a courage to make songs like that a title song of a single….

Seriously, Akagumi’s song this time is shockingly good…
It’s been a long since I last listened to a song that just naturally brings me tears….

Airin is crying… she must have been soooo happy…..

Related post: Bonus footage details and Album artworks of SKE’s new single キスだって左利き (Kiss datte Hidarikiki) released

Ego-chan looks somehow…scary….lol

Wow, so this is totally sorted out according to current team line-ups!!
So they know the promotion since long before!! Damn!!

So they announced the promotion at the same timing as the release of the album’s teaser….

This is…… MUST BUY ><


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