As we reported already, Nogizaga46’s 2nd single “おいでシャンプー” (released on 2th May) comes with 33 visuals of it’s 33 members directed by 33 creators.
The digest movie of these visuals have been uploaded on youtube now, and among these I found the visual of Mai Shiraishi (白石麻衣) was too cute not to share with you.
The movie’s title says “放課後、遊びにいこう” (Afterschool, let’s go out to play!), but where she headed to was the library… and started studying there WITH YOU.
I almost died when she put on glasses when she sat down and about to study…

This shot… stares at eyes of each other through the gap in bookshelf… this is all high school kids’ sweet moment…

Years ago, the phrase “バキュンな眼差し” had become a hoot word here in Japan, and I now fully understood what it really is… She literally kill me by her gaze!!
*We often use the word “上目遣い” to describe this particular angle of her gaze. It’s similar to the English word “Upturned eyes” but is much more commonly used.