Mariko Shinoda (Mariko) Eats Yakitori Alone..

  April 1, 2012

Just turned to 26 y/o, Mariko Shinoda once again pleased fans with her “adult” behavior.

Fans are talking about where she eats, but some fans suggested it’s not so rare to see her eating alone in Tokyo.

篠田麻里子(Mariko) – 20:58
1人焼き鳥なう( *`ω´) でも食べれるのはつくねとモモだけ…つくねをひたすら食べてる(笑) Eating Yakitori alone now. But I only can eat kneaded chicken and thigh meet… I am just eating only kneaded chicken again and again.
会話もなく1人でもくもくと食べてると世間様のトークが聞こえて来て世の中の事情がわかる…(笑) No conversation, just eating silently, but it’s good that my ears can catch what people are talking about clearly.. Good to catch up what’s going on these days.

27 - 1

もちろんウーロン茶よ( *`ω´) 19ちゃいだからね! Of course I eat with oolong tea because I’m 19 <3
数秒前 – 3/27 21:01

篠田麻里子 – 21:39 
1人でもくもくと焼き鳥食べてたら隣のカップルが優しかった( *`ω´) ノ  Maybe because I was eating alone quietly, a couple next to me talked to me “Do you enjoy Yakitori?”
優しいカップルだ(^-^)/ What a nice couple <3