NMB’s 5th single “Virginity” contains a song, titled “Milky no ChapuChapu (Milky’s ChapuChapu)”
Songs contained in NMB’s 5th single “ Virginity”
Type-A [CD+DVD]
1. Virginity(ヴァージニティー )
2. Mousou Girlfriend(妄想ガールフレンド )
3. Bokura no Regatta by Shiro Gumi (僕らのレガッタ/白組 )
4. Milky no ChapuChapu (みるきーのちゃぷちゃぷ)
5-7. instrumentals of 1-3
1. MV: Virginity
2. MV: Virginity dance mix ver.
3. MV: Mousou Girlfriend
4. MV: Bokura no Regatta
5. Bonus visual “Good Night” part.1Type-B [CD+DVD]
Release date: Aug 8th 2012
Price: 1,600yen
・First edition bonus: Trading card (randomly selected one from total 16 different cards. Each Type has different sets)
・Ticket to apply a lottery for Nationwide Handshake event.
1. Virginity
2. Mousou Girlfriend
3. Sonzaishitenai Mono by Akagumi (存在してないもの)
4. Milky no ChapuChapu (みるきーのちゃぷちゃぷ)
5-7. instrumentals of 1-3
1. MV: Virginity
2. MV: Virginity dance mix ver.
3. MV: Mousou Girlfriend
4. MV: Sonzaishitenai Mono
5. Bonus visual “Good Night” part.2Type-C [CD+DVD]
Release date: Aug 8th 2012
Price: 1,600yen
・First edition bonus: Trading card (randomly selected one from total 16 different cards. Each Type has different sets)
・Ticket to apply for lottery for Nationwide Handshake event.
1. Virginity
2. Mousou Girlfriend
3. Sunahama de Pistol by Teppougumi (砂浜でピストル)
4. Milky no ChapuChapu (みるきーのちゃぷちゃぷ)
5-7. instrumentals of 1-3
1. MV: Virginity
2. MV: Virginity dance mix ver.
3. MV: Mousou Girlfriend
4. MV: Sunahama de Pistol by Teppougumi
5. Bonus visual “Yoshimoto Shinkigeki (Yoshimoto’s stage comedy show fet.. NMB) vol.4”
5-7. instrumentals of 1-3
1. MV: Virginity
2. MV: Virginity dance mix ver.
3. MV: Mousou Girlfriend
4. MV: Sonzaishitenai Mono
5. Bonus visual “Good Night” part.2Theater Version
Release date: Aug 8th 2012
Price: 1,000yen
・Theater version is only available at CharaAni
1. Virginity
2. Boku no Regatta by Shirogumi
3. Sonzaishitenai Mono by Akagumi
4. Chotto Nekoze (ちょっと猫背)
5-8. instrumentals of 1-4
As the magazine’s article doesn’t put credit to the songwriter and composer of Milky’s ChapuChapu, I think this will probably be a voice track,.
It was announced that AKB member Karen Iwata would act as the navigator for NHK’s disaster-hit area assistance TV program at the tender age of 14.
AKB48’s Iwata Karen, the member who was the youngest to be promoted to the regular team in AKB48’s history will take on the role as navigator in NHK’s disaster-hit area assistance TV program “明日へ1min (1 minute for tomorrow)” as announced on the 16th.
Iwata expressed her enthusiasm for the program, “We must never forget what happened on 3.11. I will introduce to a nationwide audience what I experienced when I was 13, along with the voices of people from my hometown. I will try my best so that this program will be the ‘calendar of hope’ for the restoration of disaster hit areas. I wish to be able to bring smiles to people in my home region within this ‘1 minute’.”
Iwata is currently in 8th grade. She is from Sendai-city, Miyagi.
She was at home when the disaster hit. After she spent some time at the evacuation centers, she passed the AKB KKS selection Shinsa (screening) held in last April and moved to Tokyo.She wondered if she made the right decision to leave her home town right after the disaster, but her mom encouraged her to join AKB48. She said to Karen, “You will find more things that you can do for a disaster hit area if you join AKB48”, and it was those words from her mother that led Karen to join the group.
She won the audition for the Anime, AKB0048 last December (2011) and was promoted to the regular team this March during the SSA concert.She also joined for NHK’s charity song for Tohoku, “Hana ha Saku” (released in May), and sang the song solo for its coupling.
In this program she will introduce each blog post from the blog that was written by people living in the disaster hit area (http://www.nhk.or.jp/ashita-blog/). This program will help you catch a glimpse of the daily lives of people living in the disaster hit areas that are rarely reported in media.
On July 21st, the special kick-off program (15 mins in length) will air starting at 10:00PM. The program “明日へ1min カレンの復興カレンダー” will begin airing from the end of August (starting at 7:56PM, every Monday).
No way! This news was on the top page of Yahoo J… !!!
Nakayan also sang the charity song “花は咲く (Hana ha Saku)” with Karen, so I wanted her to star in the program, too…..
Her goal is to become a Seiyu, so it’s good for her to be the narrator of this program…