Former HKT48 Member Sugamoto Yuko to make a comeback in Showbiz as Cooking Talent

  February 23, 2013

Former HKT48 member Sugamoto Yuko revealed she will make a comeback in showbiz as “Cooking Talent”.

Sugamoto Yuko


Fortunately, I’m given a opportunity to make a debut as “Cooking Talent”.

I’m very glad!

But still, I’m mere a person who likes cooking. I must learn a lot from now on.

Some day, I will become a media personality specialized in cooking!

I will appreciate your support!



 Earlier today, she retweeted a tweent posted by a TV show’s official account, announcing she guested the show.

She also mentioned she was heading to Tokyo this morning.

Sugamoto Yuko

This is the first event I participated (since the graduation from HKT48).

Since it was an event held in Akihabara, I dressed in Maid costume!


But I feel fine!

I joined the event with Himezaki-san (姫崎) from LinQ and members of Smile Gakuen (スマイル学園)



source: Amyu-TV official

Quite honestly, I can say with almost certainty that nobody has ever heard of Sora-TV (the TV broadcasting company who produce the show called Amyu-TV) let alone Amyu-TV (the TV show Yukosu participated in this time).

Thanks to great popularity of 48G and former Center of HKT48, the TV company succeeded in making their publicity campaign BIG this time.

The news is reported in several of major online media including Sponichi.