In case you guys are wondering, the boy’s name is Suzuki Fuku (please don’t send the sweet thing death threats or such…) and he’s a quite well known child actor in Japan.
Quick Note:
As you all know, AKB48 has this term of the Top-7 members as Kami (神 / God) 7 , but Haruppi’s Kami 7 is written in a different kanji (噛み7) which still reads as Kami-7 but with a different meaning – so instead of God, it means to fumble with words (Haruppi constantly does this during MC, and even during her Sousenkyou speech!)
This is the announcement of the first member of「Kami-7」!
It is HKT48
2nd Generation Kenkyuusei’s Tomonaga Mio-chan ♡
It looks like the word that she hates is 「た」(ta)
In Google+
The word「Mioshuchubochuchuu」seems to be her tradermark!!
For some reason…
The Mio-chan that fumbles with her words… I want to protect her(o´罒`o)//
Other than “Mio”, she also has “Miotasu” as her pet-name
In HKT48’s 2nd single
She was the double center with Tashima Meru-chan.
She will also participate in the Janken Competition too!!!
Together with Haruppi,
Please support Mio-chan too!
Her bright, shining smile always healed me( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
From now on, with that big smile
I would like her to call me “Haruppishaaaan”! lol
That’s it for the first member announcement for Kami-7!
Please look forward to the next announcement!
Everyone, I have some information that I would like to share with you.
During the song “First Rabbit” at the concert today, Mana-chan (SKE48’s Mukaida Manatsu) was amazingly cute
I kissed her on the cheeks!
Even though it’s everyone’s Mana-chan… I’m really sorry!!!
⊂( っ´ω`)っ

Big Bro wants to kiss her toooooooooooooSurprisingly, the number of members that kissed Manatsu is quite low, no?