Yep you heard that right (And I was there too to heard this). Last night on JKT48 Trainee Event Part 2 another surprise announcement made by JKT48 Operational Team as they decided to formed team T. 16 members selected into the team with the captaincy will be announced later. The list of Team T members as follows
1.Amanda Dwi Arista
2.Andela Yuwono
3.Aninditha Rahma Cahyadi
4.Ayu Safira Oktaviani
5.Chikita Ravenska Mamesah
6.Elaine Hartanto,
7.Feni Fitriyanti
8.Fransisca Saraswati Puspa Dewi
9.Maria Genoveva Natalia Desy Purnamasari Gunawan
10.Martha Graciela
11.Michelle Christo Kusnadi
12.Nadhifa Salsabila
13.Ni Made Aurelia Vania
14.Shani Indira Natio
15.Shania Gracia
16.Syahfira Angela Nurhaliza
This Team will be active per 24th January 2015 and will make their debut at Waku Waku Japan Event at 25th January 2015
So Guys Any Comments About This Team Formation???