[ Light Post ] AKB48 members Graduation Album Pictures from the past! Can you recognize all of them?

Akimoto Yasushi says “Love Ban Law is just a ‘fun thing’ to make 48G more captivating (and marketable)”

There’re So Many Photos That Prove AKB48 Kato Rena Is A Serial Kisser

Mukaichi Mion vs Miyawaki Sakura vs Owada Nana – Who is the most famous in Japan?

Archive for Yamashita Yukari by AKB48WrapUp  •  Yamashita Yukari 

SKE48 Yamashita Yukari is being really sexy and Story on a day of Furukawa Airi


“Sexy?“HER FACE. LOL“When I looked at it, there were so many things crossing my mind!“My thoughts are on that baby kart..“Ebi furai kare is 900yen!!“Btw, this one is cute too