First Info On Upcoming 5th Single By French Kiss, (and 2 Other Stories About Mariko Shinoda and NMB48)

  May 15, 2012
Last night there was a rare moment that Mariko-sama was trying to hook us!!! As you can clearly see in the photo below, she was being so sexy for the photoshooting for Playboy magazine’s Gravure.

“The Weekly Playboy is now on sale . (:o 」∠)_

Tomorrow will be a veryyyyy busy day but I’m looking forward to it. ♪ Don’t you think being busy is nice♪”

Mariko sama Playboy Japan

Mariko “Being hooked(:D)| ̄|_ =3 Pu “

Upon the release of this rare sexy photo, fans were sending their excitement on her G+ as well as twitter. Their reactions include,
“There’s a deep dark shadow between her breasts….”
“Why I didn’t choose to be a cameraman…”
“Of course I’ll buy Playboy!! Please take care!!”
“I think that cleavage thing is eye illusion…”
“Mariko-sama…. I must confess that I will buy Playboy for KitaRie-chan…”
KiraRie was also in Gravure section of this week’s issue of Playboy Japan.
Rie Kitahara
Mariko Shinoda

Mariko Shinoda Playboy Japan

Mariko Shinoda Playboy Japan
Meanwhile NMB’s Sayanee has uploaded funny video feat. Maachun and herself.
Speaking of NMB, one week after the release of NMB’ 4th single Nagiichi, the single got both positive and negative result. But overall, as they have already exceeded the sales of previous single within only one week, and the group has been constantly increasing the sales as well as it’s popularity with every single release, we should conclude that NMB hasn’t lost it’s momentum at all.
With total of 376K copies sold this week, NMB48 is placed in 2nd in this week’s Oricon Weekly chart.
Though they couldn’t have achieved record breaking topping weekly chart for 4 consecutive singles from the debut, it’s the first time after 10 years that a single placed 2nd in weekly chart sells beyond 300K within the first week. (Last time it was GLAY which sold 300K, making them placed 2nd, while Southern All Stars was at 1st place with 519K sales.)

  1st Zekkuro    2nd OMG     3rd U-19  4th NagiIchi
11/7/20  11/10/19   12/2/8  12/5/9
**M  —,—   —,—   —,—   —,—
**T  131,654   172,474   280,367   231,200  
**W  *15,719   *16,951   *18,903   *21,837
**T  **7,532   **7,738   **7,238   **9,777
**F  *50,240   *54,872   **5,172   **8,177
**S  **3,736   **4,437   *11,005   *91,990
**S  **3,751   **3,782   **3,272   **5,428
**W  218,441   265,435   329,438  Aprox376,000

**T                                                    375,000           —,—
Because theatre version is sold exclusively online (Chara-Ani), there was a delay to include the sales of this version (which can been seen in Sunday’s sales.)
Sashiko and SayaNee in the costumes for Manatsu no SG!

Meanwhile the director of Watanabe Production, Tsuyoshi Osawa, uploaded the latest info on upcoming 5th single of French Kiss.

French Kiss Yukirin, Mocchi and Akicha
“TV Ads features French Kiss and their song will start airing from 22th May!!

But I can’t reveal the name of client yet…

We are not in the final phase of the negotiation to use the same song for the ending song of TV show Uchi Kuru? for June and July, but we can’t prepare MV for this TV show in this schedule…

So we will put other footage until the middle of June when we will finish the creation of MV.

Please send your request for 5th single of French Kiss!!”