Haruna Kojima and Arisa Mizuki made appearance in the event hosted by Japanese cosmetic company Shiseido to promote the company’s online cosmetic advisory service on 21th May in Tokyo.
Female bloggers who were invited for the event gave sighs of admiration as two girls dressed in short bottoms showing off their toned long and beautiful legs.
The commercial for this campaign which has started airing from today featured “Girls’ Talk” on cosmetics and beauty.
“When I ask my friends “What do you do (for beauty)?”, they almost always answer “I don’t do anything~”. I think there really are some members who don’t do anything special but…. I have a time when I really want advice from them.” Kojiharu talked.
As Kojiharu said “I tend to always do the same make-up.”, after she tried makeup trial service where customers can try various types of makeup accordingly to their wish, she got so pleased, saying “It’s gonna be also fun if I do this with my friends!”, ” I haven’t used this (blue) eye-shadow color often but I want to try fro this summer!”
Source Mynavi, Sanspo
Yesterday Kojiharu was in Osaka with Yuko as she tweeted,
“I came to Osaka to eat Takoyaki!!”,
while Yuko wrote on her blog today,
“Yesterday I had work in Osaka, then came back to Tokyo and joined the lesson for Suika Baby’s Choreography!”.…. lol
As Acchan is now in the other cold parts of the world for the filming (she wrote this on her blog), these Kami members move around the nation and the world, having really busy day. Hope Kojiharu and Yuko could have a delicious Takoyaki (guess Milky or other NMB48 members gave them a good suggestion), and Acchan is having a really nice days in (probably) northern Europe!!

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