Kojiharu Drew Attention From Saitama City Mayor, Yuko Pushed It Into Center etc.

  May 4, 2012

Mayor of Saitama-city reacted to Kojiharu’s twitter post.

Kojiharu “Today’s Kenmin show features Saitama!!!”
*Kenmin show is a weekly TV program features different cities and towns for each episode and introduce people’s favorite local spots.
Mayor of Saitama “Kojima-san! Please PR Saitama as a famous person from Saitama!!!”

This is obviously an offer for a tourism ambassador of Saitama city!!

Related post:

Rino Sashihara Named Tourism Ambassador For Her Hometown Oita

Don’t Let Yuihan See This Photo!!

Admist the fierce battle between Yuihan and Suzuran for Nagamari (Mariya Nagao), recently Nagamari once again posted a controversial photo on her G+.

Nagamari (永尾まりや) “Who do you think am I looking at???”

Then Yuihan commented on her post,

Yuihan(横山由衣) “Thank you~!! lol”  (she meant Nagamari was looking at her who was nowhere near around Nagamari.)

Nagamari “\(°Д° )/ Yuitan!!! OMG”

Yuihan “Suzuran!!! is my final answer. Is that correct Σ(・□・;) “

Nagamari “Yuitan!! Your final answer….. Yes, you’re correct…✧(°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ )”

Nagamari “Yuitan!! I’ll visit your room to sleep over!!”

Yuihan “Yeahhh Let’s play together!! Let’s go to eat SyabuSyabu again!! I miss the last time!”

Nagamari “Yes! But before playing, let’s make a plan!! lol”

Yuihan “QUICK!!” (<- ?? I can't understand what she meant.. lol) After this awkward conversation, Nagamari posted team 4’s collective shot after their Revue at AKB theatre! Look how intimate Nagamari and Suzuran are!!!

Birthday celebration festival for Paruru, Minarun and Kaoru

But after all the speculation Suzuran finally made a decisive lead by this photo….!

Related post
Yuihan’s Worst Day When She Lost Out Two Of Her Lovers

Not only this post but Suzuran uploaded several photos she took when she went out with Nagamari.

Hana-Kimi style costume for Shake-Hands event

Stunning Photo of Mai Imade

Mai Imade, SKE’s KKS, who recently announced her graduation (due to injury and to study abroad), posted her Gravure like stunning photo on G+.

Mai Imade “I have a stomach ache… I actually have a weak stomach. So, I haven’t seen G+ whole day, what was going on??”

Fans reactions included “This is not Mai Imade whom we know about….” “In the past Mary(Rikako Hirata) took a photo in a similar way

“Imade… we lost really precious talent….”

Yuko Pushed It Into Center

From Yuka’s blog “Episode: Yuttan Pushed it into center”

“Today I met a lot of members. Meeting members makes me naturally smile and being healed so much. We are really nice frineds! (They are rehearsaling for Minogashita Kimitachihe2)
I met Yuko after a long time and we were playing together whole day!!

Because we did so many crazy things,
Yuko’s face became looking like this!

Oh, to make it sure, let me say this is Yuko, not another person lol
According to Yuko, the title of this face is…

“I pushed my face into center”

Okay this naming is just too straight forward.
Maybe naming a tricky or witty title was not in her mind. 😀

Yuka Masuda

Uhmmm I want her for my office to give it a bright, cheerful mood!!!