Let’s Get Healed By Tomochin

  May 2, 2012

These days I sometimes miss so much Tomochin. Especially when I an having tough time, the members I turn to are Tomochin, and Takamina.
It’s widely known she was a Yankee (bad girl) in er junior school days, but she never tried to hide the truth, but one the contrary she is like “So what? That’s the real of me (No one can erase their past no matter how shameful it was). (Though everyone speculate various kinds of things on me,) I can’t be another person and will be always me.”

From two channel “Because time gets tough, let’s be healed by Tomochin”

 For those who aren’t interested in Tomochin, enjoy Rabbit instead.

 M(azohist) Chin!

Short hair Chin!

 Lion Chin!

 \ えっ…と、オアシスはここかな…、と /
So maybe here is the oasis..
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       U U

        ∧∧  ミ _ ドスッ
        (   ,,)┌─┴┴───┐
       /   つ.あつ認オアシス│
Acchan certified Oasis
     ~′ /´ └─┬┬───┘
      ∪ ∪      ││ _ε3
Beautiful tears…

 I agree that it’s beautiful tears but somewhat she looks like a middle-aged man…

With this face, this fashion, she palyed Dodge ball so hard like an adorable child, running at full speed on the stage, she is just too cute….
Tomochin is actually cuter in off shots than gravure!!

 This is toooooooooooooooo cute!!! Exceeded the limit !!!! Overdose of Kawaii!!!!


Popular Askii Art of Tomochin

    / 三三人三三\
    /  /     \  \
   / /        \  |
   | /          | |
   | |   二   二  | |  
Soba noodle yummy
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  )) ) .. ヽ、 . ||||==(⌒)ー、  | |             |
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( )) /   ,   | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄  | |             |
| | /   ./    ヽ蕎麦利庵レ     | |    TOSHIBA   |
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 ̄ \_|.、("二) └─┘ ̄l二二l二二  _|_|__|_

I think most people who get into Tomochin have undergone this process..

1. Wow she doesn’t look like a typical idol in AKB! ->become TomoOshi
2. Uhmm she is too cool that I can’t understand what kind of person she is…. ->Oshi-hen
3. Gradually I understand how she is unpretentious and always be herself. I come to love her laid-back personality!!!
AKB is known to clean restroom of a concert hall after they finished the show. It’s done to express gratitude to a concert hall itself and people who have supported them, and to remember the fact AKB all started from a small theatre in Akihabara and without the “Place” today’s AKB would never exist. In Tomosatsu(?maybe) I saw a photo of Tomochin eagerly brushing a toilet. Her comment says “(Despite your guess) I actually like cleaning!” Wow Tomochin is so cool, and so cute, I was soooo healed!!