Happy 21th Birthday Takamina!

  April 7, 2012

Just 30 minutes ago, it turned 8th Apr… guess what? Yes, today is Takamina’s (高橋みなみ) 21th birthday!!!!

She left a comment on her blog (she doesn’t use G+ often).

あっという間だった Time passes so quickly
20歳の1年間 In my 20th year
沢山の嬉しぃ事 I had a lot of happy things
苦しい事 a lot of tough things
寂しい事が起きた1年 and a lot of lonely things

沢山泣いて I cried a lot
沢山笑った smiled a lot
20歳の1年 in this my 20the year

やり残した事は何もありません I’d nothing left to do

20歳の自分にありがとう I want to say thank you to myself at 20th year of my life
出会って下さった皆さんにありがとう and thank you to all the people I met this year

また1つ I aged a year
歳を重ねますドキドキ again

Takamina Official Blog