Ok, I’m trying to be a little bit funny in the title by impersonating Danny Choo (Du know, his famous phrase “Miku-san Maji Tenshi!!”?)… But her twitter is like a dream place in the internet. She’s photographing really nice and she herself is ridiculously… cute!
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Kojiharu always makes face for Mariko |
全国ツアー初日福岡LIVEめっちゃ楽しかったです〜 終わって最終便でバタバタ帰ってきたなう( *`ω´) 皆で福岡飯食べにいきたかったけど機内でスパムおにぎり(笑) グアムか!!ってツッコミ待ってます(笑)あぁ今日は完全燃焼したな〜
First day of our nationwide tour was in Fukuoka, I enjoyed the live soooo much~ We took the last flight and back now. We could’t afford time to go eating in Fukuoka. Instead, we had Spam-Nigiri in the plane. It’s not Guam! lol Hoo, I used up 100% energy today~~~
(I thought Sapm-Nigiri is only in Hawaii, but do they also in Guam??)

Mariko Shinoda on Sunday at Tokyo Big-Site

Mariko Shinoda on Saturday at Tokyo Big-Site with Acchan
Looks like she loves flat heels shoes. What amazing is she’s still like a Berbie with no heels!! Members are basically choose cloths themselves for Shake-Hand event, so you can see their real taste here :))

LIVEやって二日間イベントだったから喉かれないように台湾の枇杷膏をお湯で薄めてうがい薬にしたよ( *`ω´)
As we had Live, then sheke-hand events for 2 days, I made a special gargle water from water and 枇杷膏(?) from Taiwan( *`ω´) It wonderfully cures sore throats!! My recommend!
source Mariko Shinoda Twitter
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